Just additional external support to that suggestion from Britain very recently. "A perfect storm" for abuse as Stewart said at ARC.
From the (British) National Crime Agency's October 2013 report into abuse within organisations (CEOP Thematic Assessment The Foundations of Abuse: A thematic assessment of the risk of child
sexual abuse by adults in institutions), the key findings:
1. Children in institutional settings are not only at risk from adults who are inclined to abuse them
sexually; but also from adults who either fail to notice abuse or, if they do, fail to report it.
2. Where institutions put their own interests ahead of those of the children who engage with them,
abusive behaviours are likely to become normalised, potentially leading to sexual abuse.
3. The culture within an institution has a strong influence on the degree to which abuse might occur
within it. Poor leadership, closed structures, ineffective policies and procedures together with the
discouragement of reporting, facilitates a malign climate which colludes with those inclined to
sexually abuse children.
4. Where institutions are held in high regard and respected by the communities they serve, positional
grooming can be perpetuated, whereby offenders conduct social or environmental grooming and
mask their actions by virtue of their formal positions within an organisation.
5. Potential risks from those with a sexual interest in children who pursue work in institutions can be
mitigated by vigilant and effective leadership and management.
6. Intense loyalty and conformity of workers to the mission, norms and values of an institution can
inhibit them from reporting concerns.
7. The historic nature of many cases currently exercising media attention, together with developments in
safeguarding, might give a false perception that this type of offending can no longer occur. Offenders
continue to exploit systemic vulnerabilities where they exist