It's breaching copyright law. But it's a civil offence, and it's for them to show how they've lost financially from anything they distribute free of charge being distributed, erm, free of charge. I'd have more of a problem if people were charging for, or benefiting financially from, something within copyright which was available for free elsewhere. That's just rude. But in the scenario painted by the OP, can you imagine the press coverage of the book the dubs want to suppress from being read? It's nominal damages and no costs awarded to the plaintiff stuff even if you lost the case.
JoinedPosts by Mephis
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
So the copyright law only applies if we agree with the organistion the copyright belongs to? If we don't agree with them or don't like them then all bets are off?
If we take that principle a bit further and extend itt to other laws, what's acceptable? Murder, for example. Is murder ok if the murdee (new word!) is a bit of a twat? Taking the point to extremes perhaps but it is the logical conclusion.If you're confusing protection of intellectual property with physical harm then we're on very, very different pages. Civil versus criminal is the page I'm on. Just how exactly do I harm the interests of the WBTS by copying something they want to suppress? Mull that over a little and figure out which is the greater right - the right to knowledge about a harmful cult, or the right of a cult to suppress that information. I'm saying the latter causes the greater harm and so I'd be happy to answer any suit for damages they'd press. Your mileage may, does?, vary.
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
Contemplating the idea of Watchtower owning the copyright of CoC only heightens the examination of just how intellectually honest we are when it comes to our position on copyright infringement which seems to be the topic of the month.
WBTS can't charge for stuff but they do get heavily subsidised by my taxes. I'm more than happy to help spread things under their copyright already, and oops if it means they don't get website hits, so it's just more of the same. In any case, I really don't have an issue with making something available if the sole purpose of someone obtaining rights is to suppress it. -
Transfer of Bank Balances and Kingdom Halls.
by kramer intwo things related to ongoing comments regarding forgiving of loans / transfer of balances to the wtbs and the ownership of kingdom halls.
firstly, i would argue that congregations don't care that bank balances have been transferred to the society.
i would contend that people contribute to the preaching work, and that's it , so long as there is enough in the bank to maintain the hall with a reasonable reserve, then i doubt many would argue against it.
but why would the individual charities ever believe they own their own churches anyway? Publishers are just volunteers for a charity , they can no more claim ownership of a hall as can somebody that donates to a donkey sanctuary claim ownership of part of the stables. The society aren't 'stealing' anything as the publishers have never owned the hall. And even if they did any congregation would hand over ownership to the society if asked , if it's deemed to be needed
Dub publishers are more akin to donkeys who pay their own board, paid for the stables to be erected in the first place and used to be able to decide when to change the straw.
Does the CO have a better idea of the needs of a local congregation than those there? Does London Bethel? If all the money being contributed for the refurb goes to London and then they refuse to sanction the refurb, does that sound right? How about all the money saved up for a new hall and the go ahead now doesn't come through? Or the donations which paid for a local kingdom hall which gets sold and then those who donated now have to travel the 20 or 30 miles for meetings which they'd paid for a hall to avoid?
Sure, the WBTS operates a hierarchical religion whilst pretending to be otherwise. It's that tension which is exposed when they suck all the money out of local bank accounts and then say they'll decide what happens with it. The local elders may nod it through, but they're trustees for their congregation and can be held account as a group for their actions as that.
Seeking advise on going to college/university
by joe134cd inhere is the current situation of an acquaintance of mine.. age early 40s.
currently lost her good paying job.. managed to find another reasonably quickly.
although be it with not good money but with the possibility of been able to take an adult apprenticeship which would increase her pay over time.. she is also looking into going to university in the new year.. here is the question i have bearing in mind the above scenario.
Something which may be worth investigating are the bursaries/grants/scholarships available to your acquaintance. They may reduce the cost significantly and so change the calculation right from the outset.
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Isn't there another similarly contaminated property in the UK which WT recently purchased?
The new Bethel they're doing here in Britain (Temple Farm) is on land which was waste, and needing cleaning, but nothing like this. Talking more scrap cars and waste from that. They did an ecological report and then came out saying they only needed to bury the contaminated soil.
Anyone aware of anything which points to the cost of them doing this clean-up? -
Child Sexual Abuse and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Rules – Part 1 of Gumshoe’s Royal Commission Series
by OrphanCrow inchild sexual abuse and jehovahs witnesses rules part 1 of gumshoes royal commission series.
this is a fairly lengthy article describing and examining the royal commission in australia.. the author ends the article with this:.
in general, we see, from watchtower australia, how depriving a person of fellowship was seen as a severe punishment.
Still mulling over the very provocative question it poses. In effect, what we've seen from churches is willfully negligent, at best. If you're being told there is a major problem but handwaving it away, then, yeah, it is fair to ask what the reason is behind it. I'd be more inclined to think that for some institutions those harmed by their policies are nowhere near as important as their attempts to prevent damage to the 'brand'. Certainly historically that seems to have been a clear motivation. Children and women are the second-class citizens within some groups, and I wonder whether that is what we're seeing demonstrated by policies. Not that the aim is to harm, but that the institution really doesn't care that they are being harmed.
Thanks for posting OC.
What's More Important...Taking care of immigrants or the needy in your country?
by minimus ini say take care of the needy ones first like our veterans and homeless and mentally ill, and then....take care of those not from this country.
I've yet to really ask any rough sleepers I do outreach with for a passport. Not really the most important thing to be thinking about. -
Care Home Exclusively for JW's "Inadequate" and "Unsafe".
by snugglebunny inthe home:
the independent report:
This is the regulator for care homes in England. As you can see, the Wigan home has also been labelled as needing to improve, with an inadequate rating in safety.
Nativity Scene in JW Literature
by Wild_Thing indoes anyone know if the jws have very printed a picture of, what might be considered, a nativity scene in any of their literature?
i think it would funny to create a christmas card using their own artwork!
Thanks for link OC. Never seen those before.