Watchtower would argue that the illegal distribution of their copyrighted work meant only for their BOEs could cause many rank and file members to leave the organization, taking their voluntary contributions to the world wide work with them. That is financial loss. It may be ethical from our standpoint to do so, and it most definitely is to wake people up causing them to abandon the WT organization. But it does not lift the violation of copyright infringement. Call it civil disobedience if you like.
I'd love to see the WBTS lawyers try to argue that. "You see the harm is that when people realise we're full of nonsense, they stop giving us money." No. They have to show that they have been harmed financially by making CoC available in spite of them holding copyright on it. People really do confuse breaching intellectual property law with criminal law. They two very very different things.
Now, in conjunction with this, you will see in this forum, on reddit, and on multiple FB walls, that there is a huge number of ExJWs that are still justifying the pirating and distribution of CoC. To us it is unethical and morally corrupt to do so. But justifications for "civil disobedience" are really only in the eye of the beholder aren't they?
Not really. There's a very clear distinction between holding copyright to suppress and holding copyright to benefit financially from using that copyright.
Watchtower is just as livid over the breach of copyright for their publications, documents, files, letters etc. as are the large percentage of us that now unequivocally believe the piracy of CoC is horrendous. Which leads me to another question.
Why now? Why such a pinnacle of outrage with this issue today? Tens of thousands of pirated PDFs of CoC have circulated for many years amongst this community. I find it extremely ironic that a Cedars video and a Mike Kim rebuttal have propelled this issue at present into epic proportions.
Pass. i was addressing the issue you raised in your OP. I don't find breaking copyright particularly outrageous. I used to technically break it every time I transfered media from one device to another. Even the courts recognise the shambolic nature of current copyright law. Lots of froth with this current noise, lots of silliness, not my monkeys, not my circus.