@Cold Steel.
I'd obviously disagree with parts there, but the point is really that trying to rely on Old Testament Jewish writing to buttress Christian beliefs seems a little flawed whoever does it. Because we know that the Jews themselves did not have a belief system which required the issue to be set in black or white. One can force whichever interpretation one wishes upon the Torah is essentially the point. The Jews did that for a long time,. The adventist movement are just paying the price for going with one interpretation and then trying to harmonise everything in the bible to that interpretation. Sometimes they hit pay dirt (Ecclesiastes) other times it's just nonsensical and they have to try to explain away some of the points you've raised.
Our earliest christian writings are the letters everyone agrees are Paul's. And we know for sure that Paul's interpretation of doctrine was not shared by every Christian even at the time he wrote them. Something he acknowledges himself. So how far can one push that onto christianity as a whole? I really don't know there is an answer which can't be criticised, so just raising the point. By the late first century, I think we are looking at a gradual consolidation towards what you say. Some people get upset even if I air quote 'orthodoxy', so I'll label it a proto-orthodoxy. The things which can safely said to be in common. I look to the Didache though and I see a group of millenarians waiting for Christ to arrive, with a resurrection of the just just before it. That's not really fitting the story of one idea in Christianity about this.