jehovahs people I might add
JoinedPosts by dugout
All the culty name that were used instead of JWs
by kairos inthe truththe society.
the remember.
1975—Were You Affected By What 1975 Was Supposed to Bring?
by minimus infor years , we were told to wait until 1975!.
the end was coming and we better be ready—or else!.
were you around during this “momentous “ time??
1975????? HA HA went right over my head. Why?? As a full blooded 19 yr old baptized at 17.Chasing those beautiful sisters who wanted some before armagedon came was a good time for me. But............!!!!!!! I do remember this: A group of us were walking to school one early morning in 1968 11 and 12yearolds. About five us stood on a corner reading from a society book, I think it was that freedom from sons of god book or whatever. WE all started to calculate how old we would be in 1975 when the end would come. some 18, 19.20. So sad. Now we were scared little children. 1975 HA ha went right over my head
Did the jw's leadership ever apologize for 1975?
by dugout intalking to my friend who's an elder, when i asked him did the leadership ever attempt to apologize for the 1975 prediction fiasco he said they did.
and he was going to show me.
i'm still waiting..................................................tic toc did they???
Thanks peeps just as I thought. 4 years ago at our district convention it was way overbooked I mean we sat in the parking lot for hours before we could get in. Their were even fights at the entrances. someone just made some mistakes in booking the congregations. Do you know they blamed the people in a talk saying we didn't go to our assigned assemblies???? Seriously ??????? In 40 years in this religion never seen nothing like it. Hey just admit someone made some mistakes in booking. Finally they told us we can go to a assigned circuit hall. That was creepy. They will never admit their mistakes.
Did the jw's leadership ever apologize for 1975?
by dugout intalking to my friend who's an elder, when i asked him did the leadership ever attempt to apologize for the 1975 prediction fiasco he said they did.
and he was going to show me.
i'm still waiting..................................................tic toc did they???
Talking to my friend who's an elder, when I asked him did the leadership ever attempt to apologize for the 1975 prediction fiasco he said they did. And he was going to show me. I'm still waiting..................................................Tic Toc Did They???
Is Child Abuse An Issue That You Personally Have Seen In The Organization?
by minimus inas an elder, i saw one child abuse situation involving a man who wanted to be an elder and had i believe 8 children.
he was not in our congregation when this all erupted.
he denied it and moved to another hall and unbelievably, that body of elders wanted to appoint him since they believed his entire family was lying about him.
WOW got to make this short. Yes I was involved in a case as new elder, committee meeting where this sister had come forward to admitting to committing adultery. Her husband sat in on the meeting. If fact this sister whom I known for over 20 years, had committed fornicationearlier, had a baby was disciplined then, Before I even thought about being an elder. Anyway these two brothers seemed to me had it out for this sister. These two elder had about 20yrs each of experience each. Me? about 3months. Finally at the end of the meeting she broke down crying and said she was molested as a teenager by her father, who by the way was a well respected elder in this city. I mean even I liked him. real good speaker father of four girls. But I always had in the back of my mind that something was little off. anyway these brothers of my knowledge did nothing. yes including me. They just concluded that she was lying. She was disfellowshipped. Later her father passed years later with that secret..................Here's the tragic part. Going back 20 some odd years my wife told me when I first met this brother( we were newlyweds at the time), she told me his daughter accused him of molesting her, (this was my wifes exact words and ill never forget it) tHE ELDERS new then but just handledit Yes I still live with that.
Favorite/least favorite CO's and DO's
by HereIgo ini posted this thread sometime last year but thought i would revive it due to the new ones on the board, and to change things up a bit.
my favorite?
bro murikami, from hawaii, very humble, kind bro.
Pedro Hines was the coolest slickest CO I knew. Young. Goodlooking slim. Good natured. Dressed To the tee. Had a goodlooking wife also, forgot her name. She could sing too. I mean R&B. Sorry to here he passed away not to long ago. NOW Did not like Dyson. THey used to call him slicing Dyson had a reputation for deleting bros. Very arrogant thought he was the shit. He told the sisters in a talk he gave to stay out his face when they talked to him. This man was worshiped because he was feared.
I've Just Noticed Something About The "Remember The Wife Of Lot" Video
by pale.emperor inmaybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
You ever heard someone miss a meeting and then say at the next meeting( I missed you guys sunday!!) THINK ABOUT THAT!! NOT saying its a CULT but they act CULTISH!!!
What is the biggest sexual scandal to hit the top of JW tree ?
by Chook inelders ,co ,do ,branch overseers ,gb ,missionaries has "sinful" lust got the better of them..
Really londo, i never really felt this religion. Iwas a born in to the sweetest mother. Father was never in. Made sure i'd go to hall though. I always had worldly friends. Always smoked my weed. Drank Even as a 10yrs old i silently questioned things. I was never fully indoctrinated but stayed in. mother still in she's 88yrs old still waiting to go around the corner. A brother and sister in. My mistake though was marrying young and to a woman in the so called truth. My wife of 38yrs still in indoctrinated. I basically did what i wanted. never was reproved or D'd. Never gave them that power. I had just as much friends in as i do out. Had a wonderful childhood growing up in the inner city. I often say to certain ones that if God forbid something happened to my wife I would never marry another JW again. Been a musician all of my life thats my outlet. More to come peace
What is the biggest sexual scandal to hit the top of JW tree ?
by Chook inelders ,co ,do ,branch overseers ,gb ,missionaries has "sinful" lust got the better of them..
Ah...... Me...... got appointed MS when I was 19, went on to date 3 sisters at the same time, some brothers who knew called it the trinity. One of them was a regular pioneer. we were in lust. Had her own apartment. when I told her I was getting married (not to one of the three), she ask me to come over and make love to her for the last time the day before I got married. Got married and after two years had sex with my best friends lover because he had sex (another bro with my girlfriend) Confessed to my wife she forgave me. never went to the elders. Then got appointed Elder served for 12years.Sat on so many judicial meetings involving fornication and adultery I said to myself jokelly when are some of these sisters gonna give me some. Went on to have two affairs with worldly women( that was fun) wife never found out. can't believe I'm telling yall this!! Is that a scandal?? or what.
No princesess in new order? Really??
by dugout ina couple of months ago this crazy gb member via video gave a talk about their would be princes in the new order but no princesses.
i thought that was so funny.
especially after he beated around the bush the whole talk, finally saying in the last sentence their would be princes but no princesses in the new system,then the video just blacked out.
A couple of months ago this crazy gb member via video gave a talk about their would be princes in the new order but NO princesses. I thought that was so funny. Especially after he beated around the bush the whole talk, finally saying in the last sentence their WOULD be princes but NO princesses in the new system,then the video just blacked out. END of story or talk Whatever you want to call it. It was hilarious to say the least. Almost deliberately comical. Should of seen the look of the sisters in the hall that night. like WTF????? I'm still laughing. your thoughts? Did u see it?