If you can say " abstinence is a sex position," you can also say "NON-VIOLENCE is a VIOLENCE position!"
there are certain "junk" words that litter our brain, pollute our vocabulary, and play fast and loose with our reasoning.. one of those junk words is spirit.. the words means nothing, but extrapolations of its metaphorical pretense are everywhere!.
we have five sense connected with our body link to brain.. hearing, vision, taste, touch, sense of smell.. with those five we are in touch with things as they exist.. reality is what it is.. through technology, science has been able to amplify our senses with microscopes, telescopes, x-rays, mri's, space probes, atom smashers, etc.. but--i assure you--none of this has produced evidence of "spirit.".
the last thing that happens when you die is this.
If you can say " abstinence is a sex position," you can also say "NON-VIOLENCE is a VIOLENCE position!"
1) god chose david who later became worse than goliath (murderer, adulterer ...).
2) god chose solomon who later became arrogant,deposed and even exiled a good high priest ...and brought in his pet zadok whose followers later became a sect called saducees who were also involved in the murder of jesus.. 3) god chose the faithful and discreet slave who later began beating his followers through its false alarmin 1873, 1975 ... then abandoned the pivotal doctrine of generation which originally brought in more people than any other doctrines.
what a sadism (awakening someone many times only to tell him food is not yet ready)?.
1) God chose David who later became worse than Goliath (murderer, adulterer …)
2) God chose Solomon who later became arrogant,deposed and even exiled a good High Priest …and brought in his pet Zadok whose followers later became a sect called Saducees who were also involved in the murder of Jesus.
3) God chose “the faithful and discreet slave” who later began “BEATING” his followers through its FALSE ALARM—in 1873, 1975 … then abandoned the pivotal doctrine of generation which originally brought in more people than any other doctrines. What a sadism (awakening someone many times only to tell him food is not yet ready)?
1873 [six thousand years of man's existence ends in a.d. 1873] {wr apr 1880 88} .
1873 "here we furnish the evidence that from the creation of adam to a.d. 1873 was six thousand years.
and though the bible contains no direct statement that the seventh thousand will be the epoch of christ's reign, the great sabbath day of restitution to the world, yet the venerable tradition is not without reasonable foundation.. if, then, the seventh thousand-year period of earth's history be an epoch specially noted as the period of christ's reign, we shall, by showing that it began in a.d. 1873, be proving that we are already in it.
This is what means worshiping the "God who never changes."--James 1:17
poles apart lyrics.
did you know... it was all going to go so wrong for you.
It is too wonderful.
I liked especially this: " Leading the blind while I stared out the steel in your eyes." Wah!
i recently read how advanced meditation increases the brains waves, higher frequency alpha waves which is linked to higher state of consciousness and intelligence.
now i saw this article, that it also increases life and health, etc.
i haven't really read or researched meditation but i was wondering if anybody has got into it, into a 'non religious' aspect of it.
According to JWs, when you meditate, you actually empty your mind which will invite evil spirits to lodge into your mind.
Yet we find Jesus lavishly engaging in meditation (Mark 1:35; John 8:1, 2; Luke 5:16; 6:12; Mathew 14:23)
if gods truth redounds to his glory through my falsehood, why am i still being condemned as a sinner?
(romans 3:7) this is an instant where a bible writer publicly admits that he resorts to falsehood (apostatizing, or standing away from truth).
this explains why we find, in this letter, many things difficult to digest.
“If God’s truth redounds to his glory through my falsehood, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?” (Romans 3:7) This is an instant where a Bible writer publicly admits that he resorts to “FALSEHOOD” (apostatizing, or standing away from truth)
This explains why we find, in this letter, many things difficult to digest. In Chapter 5 he describes the origin of sin and death. Romans 5:12 that says “all those who sinned died” is contradicted in 5:14 that says “those who did not sin also died.” He says sin and death started with Adam and Eve, meaning they sinned and died as a result. If first century Christians sinned, they have to die eternally with no hope of resurrection (Hebrews 10:26), even if it is very minor, like trying to take little bit of glory through some minor lie. (Acts 5:1-11)
Yet he tries to paint the sins of first century Christians as figurative. He even compares sin and death of first century Christians to that of Jesus (Romans 6:1-7, 23). This makes no sense, because Jesus neither sinned nor died, but was murdered by evil forces external to him—something for which he even prayed not to happen. If his murder was brought out by evil forces for the good of the mankind, that would mean God used evil to bring lasting good for mankind—does that not make evil good? Then why should one die to sinning? See we are going mad!!! Then he writes a demoralizing stuff in Chapter 7…
Yet we also find some very good things in Chapter 1, 2, 12, 13
Still Bible declares ‘Bitter water and sweet water will not come from the same source?’ (James 3:11)???!!!???
there are certain "junk" words that litter our brain, pollute our vocabulary, and play fast and loose with our reasoning.. one of those junk words is spirit.. the words means nothing, but extrapolations of its metaphorical pretense are everywhere!.
we have five sense connected with our body link to brain.. hearing, vision, taste, touch, sense of smell.. with those five we are in touch with things as they exist.. reality is what it is.. through technology, science has been able to amplify our senses with microscopes, telescopes, x-rays, mri's, space probes, atom smashers, etc.. but--i assure you--none of this has produced evidence of "spirit.".
the last thing that happens when you die is this.
You have to wait till you get proof. I got the proof which is more than enough FOR ME. Few days after my father’s death, he appeared to me in my dream, and asked me to settle some amount of money he owed to a person, who was his colleague in the Company he was working decades ago. This was something both the parties had almost forgotten as money was a small amount, and it seems he did not bother about it as both were very friendly to each other! I had no idea about this man. I went in search of him. When I told him of my intent, he was surprised and vaguely remembered that my father had owed him money. He did not accept the money, but seemed very happy about the whole episode, and said my father’s blessing is more valuable than the money! Ever since, He is a very good friend of our family! [This dream-incident divided our Witness family into two—half turned into “apostates,” and other half dismissed my experience as trick played by Satan on me]. Cofty is behaving like my Witness family members! Don’t be quick to dismiss things we do not like! It is a course of wisdom to WAIT till you get the proof.
It is true that religions are a set of beliefs, so is Atheism. ATHEISM IS ALSO A RELIGION, ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN JUDICIARY. The ruling came after a prisoner in 2005 claimed that his rights were violated when the warden refused to allow him to form a group of inmates to study and discuss atheism. A federal court agreed: “Atheism is the inmate's religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
there are certain "junk" words that litter our brain, pollute our vocabulary, and play fast and loose with our reasoning.. one of those junk words is spirit.. the words means nothing, but extrapolations of its metaphorical pretense are everywhere!.
we have five sense connected with our body link to brain.. hearing, vision, taste, touch, sense of smell.. with those five we are in touch with things as they exist.. reality is what it is.. through technology, science has been able to amplify our senses with microscopes, telescopes, x-rays, mri's, space probes, atom smashers, etc.. but--i assure you--none of this has produced evidence of "spirit.".
the last thing that happens when you die is this.
I agree with Villagegirl—Science has its place, but there is no point in elevating it to the stature of a super high priest. It is easy to over-value sceince and dismiss vocabulary like spirit; but are we sure that we know about ordinary/normal things? For instance, we still don't know how we experience thought. Nor do we know the mechanics behind insight, creativity and imagination.
there are certain "junk" words that litter our brain, pollute our vocabulary, and play fast and loose with our reasoning.. one of those junk words is spirit.. the words means nothing, but extrapolations of its metaphorical pretense are everywhere!.
we have five sense connected with our body link to brain.. hearing, vision, taste, touch, sense of smell.. with those five we are in touch with things as they exist.. reality is what it is.. through technology, science has been able to amplify our senses with microscopes, telescopes, x-rays, mri's, space probes, atom smashers, etc.. but--i assure you--none of this has produced evidence of "spirit.".
the last thing that happens when you die is this.
This is something that has evidence more than enough! Every day one dies and enters into a world of dream where thoughts create forms, and next day his body is not exactly the same as it was on the previous day. Life does not end with sleep. The individual consciousness is not lost. One dies from childhood to become the youth, and from youth to become the mature adult, and finally one dies from maturity into old age. YET throughout the cyclic changes, there is an unbroken continuity of life. In nature, nothing perishes, but what seems to be change is only the change of forms and activity. So is with the conscious energy. The truth is that there is no death but there is only EVERLASTING life. Some will understand this before their physical death, others will understand this after their physical deah. Hence, here is no issue here, no dispute at all!
there are certain "junk" words that litter our brain, pollute our vocabulary, and play fast and loose with our reasoning.. one of those junk words is spirit.. the words means nothing, but extrapolations of its metaphorical pretense are everywhere!.
we have five sense connected with our body link to brain.. hearing, vision, taste, touch, sense of smell.. with those five we are in touch with things as they exist.. reality is what it is.. through technology, science has been able to amplify our senses with microscopes, telescopes, x-rays, mri's, space probes, atom smashers, etc.. but--i assure you--none of this has produced evidence of "spirit.".
the last thing that happens when you die is this.
Great post! I agree with your blaming the religions for bringing in the concept of spirit with a view to exploitation of the illiterate.
However, truth could be discerned without the help of religion.
When one goes to the bed in the night, sleep settles on one’s body, the pulse falls, the blood flow is slackened and all the organic functions slacken. HOWEVER, you might have noticed the energies and movements of the waking state DO NOT come to a dead end. The heart beats, the lungs breathe and repair-work starts on the tissues. Ordinarily as the sensations which describe environment fade away, attention begins to wander and one begins to relax the control by will and critical intelligence which operates during FULLY conscious life. The number of thoughts grow less and less as sleep approaches. Finally the room (as though) melts away and vanishes into nothingness as one’s consciousness is mysteriously and entirely isolated from the physical world, it sees nothing, hears nothing, smells nothing, feels nothing and tastes nothing, and then DREAM ENTERS IT.
SIMILARLY, at the instant of death, consciousness loses touch with the same organs i.e., sight, sound, taste, smell and touch and one goes into deep slumber or a state of dream and sleep before one becomes conscious or enters the next world i.e., the world of desire or astral world.
That time, Terry, you will remember what you wrote here in this thread and laugh!