JWs say their authority is the Bible, and the most important reason they attribute to Bible as being inspired of God is its meticulously precise foretelling ability! And they make references to hundreds of prophecies that were fulfilled on Jesus.[This is a claim normally people would NOT cross-check, hence it came up to this time unoppossed. If we read the supposed Hebrew verse with its context, we will be surprised to see they are not at all prophecies or do not even talk about Jesus.
Forget about prophecies about Jesus. Let us take a prophecy Jesus himself made, really an unambiguous prophecy, found in John 11:26: “EVERYONE WHO LIVES AND BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER DIE. DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?.” Where has this prophecy been fulfilled? It should have been fulfilled in the first century itself as belief in Jesus started then. Even after 2000 years, it remains as a joke! Adherents may say the context is about resurrection of his friend Lazarus. If so, why should Lazarus, being Jesus’s friend who had already been believing in him, die in the first place? All right, if resurrection is what Jesus had in mind he would have DEFINITELY worded it differently, something like this: “Everyone who lives and believes in Me will die but will be resurrected at the appointed time. Do you believe this?” If it were with Lazarus in his mind that he uttered that prophecy, he would not have used the wording: “EVERYONE WHO LIVES AND BELIEVES IN ME will never die.”
Interestingly, the only prophecy that was fulfilled really BACKFIRES on the very advocates of prophetic cause of the Bible. Luke 21:8 says: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near. 'Do not follow them.”
Fulfillment:” Many” thousands of sects—including JWs—DID come in the authority of his name, saying “The time is near” and still operate on the world scene!. JWs claim even a direct appointment from Jesus, thus taking his NAME in a special way that gives them authority even to call other religions—including Christendom a harlot. (Remember in the 90’s, one Watchtower magazine with a harlot picture as its cover page).