What about people that claim to be spiritual yet believe something completely different about God than you?
Everyone knows what is right and wrong, and they are FREE to make any choice, BUT NOT FREE to choose the results which are predetermined. The discreet one will learn from other’s experiences. The indiscreet one will learn from his own experience, paying a price.
What is spirit made of?
A clock is not meant to know how it is made of, so is our mind. We only need to unfold our inner qualities—Mathew 7:12
How can we objectively know what God wants using a book that has numerous errors and contradictions?
Bible has been corrupted, says Bible itself. (Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8; compare Acts 20:28-30) Will God permit corruption of the Bible if it really did belong to Him.
Hence look at Nature. God has kept lessons for us in it.—Romans 1:20 (Bible is corrupted, yet some eternal truth contains in it intact such as Mathew 5:44-48; 7:12; James 2:8 ..... which are the same lessons found in the nature too, hence we can quote such verses)