When I got up from my sleep, I was really surprised to see so many questions you have put for me!
1) Your question: What is right and wrong? Is sex out of wedlock wrong? What if one lives in a society where wedlock, as defined by Western Society, doesn't exist? Is gay marriage wrong? What about being transgender? Stealing to feed your family? Killing someone? Smoking marijuana? Define exactly and specifically what is right and wrong, please and how "everyone" know it given that there are so many disagreements.
I said “everyone KNOWS what is right and wrong. If you are in a queue, and a late-comer breaks in the queue and got his work done before others who came earlier than him—will not everyone unanimously say what he did was wrong? When some takes delight in the welfare of ALL BEINGS—will not everyone unanimously say what he does is right? This is about KNOWING what is right and wrong. If there is so many disagreements—it means many do not want to follow what they know is right and wrong.
Questions such as Is sex out of wedlock wrong?... too belong to the same category EVERYONE knows for sure with absolute clarity. Ask yourself how would you feel when you see your life-partner having sex out of wedlock? Stealing to feed one’s family? Change the object—if someone else in the same situation steals something from this thief, will he approve it? Likewise, if you are not sure about some actions as to whether they are right or wrong, put yourself as the object of such actions—you WILL know whether they are right or wrong! Or you can use this simple logic: ALL ACTIONS THAT RESULT IN WELFARE OF ALL IS GOOD; AND ALL ACTION THAT RESULT IN HARM TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS ARE WRONG! This is simple, because we are all living in an ocean of experiences—or our own and of others!
2) You say: I didn't ask about a clock. You are making claims to know what a spirit creature wants. I am simply asking what this spirit creature is made of. How does it communicate, how can we see or detect it? And humans are making great strides in knowing how our minds work and is constructed, so that analogy fails miserably.
This analogy of a clock with mind is from the globally acclaimed book “ABCs of the Human Mind” written by a group of eminent Psychologists, published byReaders Digest. In fact analogy is superb. It’s too obvious that any object whether (clock or mind) is not meant to know its own make-up. We can know some superficial details which you call “great strides.” What you will ever know in the future too about the mind/consciousness will still be superficial details. (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/10-brain-myths.htm#page=0) Only the real CREATOR will have all the details about our Mind. Forget about mind. Think about your own bodies, made of trillions of cells. How much do we know about cells? “Even if you could count ten cells each second, it would take you tens of thousands of years to finish counting. But those estimates sprawled over a huge range, from 5 billion to 200 million trillion cells. And practically none of scientists who offered those numbers provided an explanation for how they came up with them.” (http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/10/23/how-many-cells-are-in-your-body/) Are they in our control? (http://www.newscientist.com/special/unknown-human-genome)
3) What are our inner qualities? How are they defined? What makes them good or bad?
We all have a wonderful vehicle called our physical bodies. Once the driver (the self/consciousness/soul/divinity), leaves its seat, body becomes a horribly foul-smelling trash that provides a feast for micro-organisms and worms. This means the divinity, or the soul is more important than the body, and the most fundamental factor of our existence is the consciousness of existence. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) Thus it’s very easy to become spiritual because all it takes is UNFOLDING like a wound-up spring, not actually about effort! When you have the above understanding, your values and priority will change, many spiritual qualities will surface one after the other automatically:
a) In the above AWARENESS, I know that my spirit (conscious energy) is superior to material energy that make up the physical body, hence have to re-establish my sovereignty over my body-senses, and begin to act with PURE motive towards others as I am one with them in make-up (spirit + body).
b) In this PURITY, there emerges JOY.
c) In this JOYFULNESS, I want others also to be joyful as I am, hence I should begin to care for others’ needs without being asked for and without even expecting anything in return (which is called LOVE).
d) In this LOVE, I give and receive love, as a result of which PEACE is experienced by me and others around. [In all these five basic qualities of spirit, there are positive side-effects—they make me powerful (POWER) against any relapse, like butter extracted from milk will not merge with water any more. They will also help me to remain blissful/balanced (BLISS) towards all circumstances and all beings!]
Just a change in view would bring in many elevated qualities. These are qualities of the spirit (compare Galatians 5:22) Manifesting then in your life is SPIRITuality! They are good because it brings harmony between your body and mind; between you and your contacts, and you and nature, all of which would make your life smooth, increase your immunity power …...untold benefits which you yourself can find out by experimenting them!
4) You say I cannot quote from the Bible if I believe it is corrupted!
Bible is not a substance like milk so that we should not make use of even a drop of it if it has gone corrupted. Bible is a book with over 30000 verses. A fair-minded human being can know what is good and what is interpolation. For example, selfish statements such as those intended to bring material benefits to the religious leaders through sacrifices and rituals—are all interpolations—Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8. Those that speak about welfare of ALL such as Mathew 5:44-48; 7:12; James 2:8 …. are universally accepted norms which most Constitutions of the countries uphold.