One problem with your Putin interpretation of Daniel is that history seems to strongly indicate that the prophecies contained in Daniel 8 and 12 were all fulfilled during the reign of Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes. The following information can be found in history books and various Bible commentaries.
In 174 BC Jason, the brother of High Priest Onias III, secured the High Priesthood for himself by bribing Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes. Jason's actions thereafter, such as promoting Jewish participation in athletic competitions dedicated to the Greek God Hercules and sending silver from the Temple treasury to be sacrificed to that false god, caused the Temple priests to despise the Temple and neglect the sacrifices which were required by the Jewish law. History tells us that this corrupted Jewish worship, which began with the appointment of Jason as High Priest, was not cleansed from the Temple until mid December, 168 BC. This was some 2300 days after Jason's appointment as High Priest. Some 400 years earlier Daniel had prophecied, "After 2,300 days the sanctuary will be cleansed." (Dan.8:14)
In 171 BC Menelaus, a Jew not born of the line of Aaron, managed to have himself appointed as High Priest in place of Jason by offering Antiochus a larger bribe than Jason's. Since Menelaus was not of the line of Aaron, in fact not even a Levite, his being set up as High Priest was "an abomination" to God. And since he was not permitted by Jewish law, as were other High Priests, to "daily offer up sacrifices, first for their own sins and then the sins of the people" (Heb. 7:27), "the daily sacrifice" was then "abolished" in God's eyes. During the next 1,290 days Menelaus actively assisted Antiochus in bringing about the total "desolation" of the Jewish religion. Some 400 years earlier Daniel had prophesied, "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1,290 days." (Dan. 12:11) *
In mid December of 168 BC Jerusalem's Temple was cleansed of the corrupted Jewish worship which was brought about by the actions of Jason and Menelaus. This cleansing took place when Antiochus Epiphenes outlawed all practices of the then corrupted Jewish religion. 2,300 days of corrupted Jewish worship then came to an end. 1,290 days had also then passed since Menelaus, the "abomination" who had "abolished the daily sacrifice" and caused the "desolation" of the Jewish religion, had been set up as High Priest.
In mid December of 165 BC the revolt of the Maccabees reestablished undefiled Jewish worship in Jerusalem's Temple. In the middle of 164 BC Antiochus Epiphanes died and was succeeded by his son, Antiochus Eupator.
Later in 164 BC, some 1,335 days after Antiochus Epiphanes had outlawed the Jewish religion, his son and successor, Antiochus Eupator, made a peace treaty with the Jews which guaranteed them religious freedom. Some 400 years earlier Daniel had prophecied, "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days." (Dan.12:12)
With these historical facts in mind, there is no reason to believe that any of the prophecies contained in Daniel chapters 8 and 12 remain to be fulfilled. For those prophecies of Daniel appear to have been completely fulfilled between the years 174 and 164 BC. Now, I suppose, you can say you expect a second fulfillment, a "type - antitype" sort of thing, but doing so is certainly highly speculative.
* Daniel actually peophecied of two "abominations" that would "desolate" the Jewish religion. Jesus clearly indicated that Dan. 9:27 referred to the Roman armies which would destroy Jerusalem in 70 AD. (Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14; Luke 21:20) While Jewish history shows that Dan. 12:11 referred to the total desolation of the Jewish religion which was brought about by the Jew's own High Priest, Menelaus, and the king of Syria, Antiochus Epiphanes.