well, do unto others as you would like them to do to you comes to mind.
lets assume there is no such thing as religion. If someone does or says something that isnt our standards, we simply choose other freinds .
but we dont slander them, and treat them like a deadly plaugue. you simply avoid them. everyone has a right to thier own opnion.
if someone tells falsehoods, were to go directly to them and ask them where they heard such a thing and why they would spread such rubbish
if they are stubborn enough not to consider our advice, then we wash our hands of the person, and were free to choose other association.
the person who has such a problem of spreading lies, and doing reckless things will eventually not have any freinds, and that alone will wake them up to the folly of thier behavior.
they will hopefully be sorry and appologize, and the humiliation of the past deeds and the lack of freindsh will be punishment enough.
like some scriptures say.
THAT is what is meant .
everyone must come to accept and realize, the bible is not what we all think it is. the men who chose what books to use
were not inspired by God, just by thier zeal to make a book that they felt man needed.
many of the original writtings of those letters books and scrolls pages were damaged ,missing and altered by copiests.
which is why we have so many translations. we will never have a whole complete book that is the pure word of God.
If such a thing even ever exsisted.
anyone can claim to be inspired, who are we to call them a liar? I was inspired to reply to his post.
people are inspired to write poetry [psalms] or inspired to move to action in a life threatening situation. so that claim is pointless.
we are to take the valuable advice from any person, confusious, to Jesus to nelson mandela.. whoever they all have personal revelations that make for great quotes. wise words. make us think. make us act in a positive way hopefully.
as a human on earth it is up to us to try our best to enjoy the life we have contribute to mankinds needs, and help others to do the same.
by doing that, we have the mind of Christ.
we need no other burden
now im going to get off my butt and go enjoy the perfect 72 degree day.