prologos, you tortured soul, still being present for mind altering guilt sessions.
ok so someone comments that they once let someone stay at their house, , I always wondered, why are these comments ever spoken?
is it to brag? to make others feel useless? its obvious that someone has extra room for a visitor, so is it necessary to mention it? give gifts in secret.
wtwiz, id be the one immediately recognized to have no desire to be out in service, i carried a bible and a few mags in my purse. no book bag. i used to get very angry that so many pit stops were done, but then i figured later that there was no point in not stopping for coffee every hour. after all we only went out for the morning.
once in service i came across a man who knew what he believed, was good with it, and knew more than me about the bible, so what did I do?
did i get into a debate? try to make him believe hes wrong and Im right? offer him a magazine?, nope.
I complimented him on is faith, wished him a nice day and left, why do i need to convince him that jesus is lord? he already knew. I always wondered what the sister with me thought.
im not in the business of making people feel worthless and foolish, and crushing their hopes and dreams.