i made a mistake on the title of a magazine i was inquiring about, i dont know how to edit my post,
its not mother earth its mother jones, is there a way to edit or delete posts? i cant find one.
i made a mistake on the title of a magazine i was inquiring about, i dont know how to edit my post, .
its not mother earth its mother jones, is there a way to edit or delete posts?
i cant find one.. thanks.
i made a mistake on the title of a magazine i was inquiring about, i dont know how to edit my post,
its not mother earth its mother jones, is there a way to edit or delete posts? i cant find one.
i got an offer in the mail for mother earth magazine.. anyone like it?
im not sure if im a liberal or not, i think its a liberal based format.
its not all political, sort of like a shortened readers digest?
my bad!! i meant mother jones, just now going through my pile of junk on my desk and its not mother earth.
it seems as though since 2006 the borg allows red blood cells minus the skin of the cell.
so my question is why would the cells outer skin be removed?
i maybe completely wrong on this but its my understanding that this is the only part of the red blood cells that is not allowed by the borg?
well, the fact that they 'allow' any portion of a blood cell means its blood period.
you cant take part of something and say its not the thing it was taken from.
but lucky for you, the bible makes no such restriction on anyone, and all the Israelite's who bled out animals were the only ones under that food based law, god did not care if those who were not his chosen people, ate improperly bled animals.
its says so in the bible.
there are other blood substitutes now, those who dont want to take blood , have pretty good options.
we often hear the phrase.
its used to accuse.... they did not follow j's arrangement, you have to live by j's arrangement.
or to brag.... its all due to j's arrangement , we work with his org, and according to the arrangement.
we often hear the phrase
'jehovahs arrangement'
its used to accuse...
they did not follow j's arrangement, you have to live by j's arrangement. must be according to j's arrangement
or to brag...
its all due to j's arrangement , we work with his org, and according to the arrangement.
well, where in the scriptures does it tell us what that exactly is?
Im not sure i ever knew! i see no arrangement spoken of in the bible. so,
whats the arrangement? and to do what? and hows it working?
types of witnesses.
1. religious witness.
these are usually converts and seldom stay.
i guess Im a blend of 1, 4 ,9 and 10
in the order of 9, 1, 4 and 10
nearly born in,[age4]
hostage, but knowing of the hypocrisy and silliness of it all
9,10, wife of new convert, and knowing my quiet humble non existent place but being trapped for financial reasons and fear of shunning
oh wait, im still dwelling in item 4 and 10. will be working on that.
i got an offer in the mail for mother earth magazine.. anyone like it?
im not sure if im a liberal or not, i think its a liberal based format.
its not all political, sort of like a shortened readers digest?
i got an offer in the mail for mother earth magazine.
anyone like it? im not sure if im a liberal or not, i think its a liberal based format. its not all political, sort of like a shortened readers digest?
id not think myself to be a republican or conservative but more of a democrat or independent, I HAVE NO IDEA!
anyway is it worth the 10 bucks for 6 issues?
like to read foreign affairs and used to read world policy review, is this more like the week magazine? shorter articles?
first thing i noticed, a would-be elder with a suitcase-sized 'service' bag.
but i thought:.
prologos, you tortured soul, still being present for mind altering guilt sessions.
ok so someone comments that they once let someone stay at their house, , I always wondered, why are these comments ever spoken?
is it to brag? to make others feel useless? its obvious that someone has extra room for a visitor, so is it necessary to mention it? give gifts in secret.
wtwiz, id be the one immediately recognized to have no desire to be out in service, i carried a bible and a few mags in my purse. no book bag. i used to get very angry that so many pit stops were done, but then i figured later that there was no point in not stopping for coffee every hour. after all we only went out for the morning.
once in service i came across a man who knew what he believed, was good with it, and knew more than me about the bible, so what did I do?
did i get into a debate? try to make him believe hes wrong and Im right? offer him a magazine?, nope.
I complimented him on is faith, wished him a nice day and left, why do i need to convince him that jesus is lord? he already knew. I always wondered what the sister with me thought.
im not in the business of making people feel worthless and foolish, and crushing their hopes and dreams.
try to get fit, I hate to exercise.
purge useless belongings from the house.
somehow make and save money,
and figure out how to live the rest of my life in a positive way.
so, now that nearly all of the past knowledge that jw's has had is slowly being deleted, how does anyone do any research on any subject?.
meetings are pretty boring as it is, all they do is parrot the society's writings.. how is this going to work?
i have to wonder , what point is the service meeting , once you know how to walk up to a door and hand someone a magazine.
esse that was brilliant, lol, thats something Id do, and no one has replied, well I wonder if they are visiting the sites!
I wonder how many sit at meetings and stare off into space, wondering why they are there.
there are no articles in the wt that are light hearted encouraging sugestions on how to be pleasant and loving and helpful to all men of all nations.
of all the subjects a person can write about that would educate someone, instead they choose to bore people to death with mysterious confusing nonsense that doesnt do a bit of good for anyone.
for a very long time it has been constant negativity.
and all the focus is on those in charge who claim they are 'it'.
I happened to have here a july 15th watchtower study addition. and in it the article titled jehovah knows who belong to him, it made me think, hmm what happened to jesus?
in that article on the first page the name jehovah is printed on that page 10 times, the next page 15 times the next 6 times the next15 timed the next 3 times Now for what reason does anyone have to use that name over and over again? Is that NOT using Gods name in vain?
its disrespectful, if it was his name, to use it like it has no real meaning. its
sickenning .