thanks all, after sleeping on it, and reading these i feel much better. its an experience he always wanted that i so wish i could have given him the first time he applied and was accepted to a community college.
that was a disaster, and shouldn't have been. he was all ready to get classes assigned, and he and my husband both got laid off from the same company, so we had a different income immediately, and the stupid college did not help us one bit figure out how to get financing, and I had to sign him out. he went home and later that night i heard him sob for the first time in his life [after being a baby that is,lol] I was crushed. then shortly after that, with my husband and i separating he was put on hold again, since he and i moved out into an apartment, and he had to find a job and get on his own. now hes on his own but still parents paychecks are used on top of his as to how much loan he would have to pay back, and it was not fair since he did not live at home. [gee does a married person, age 20 have to report his parents income?]
quick oddly amazing story about how he found his second job.
he was standing in line at the Verizon store waiting to get the newest phone [dont we all know new cell phones are on the top of everyone's priority list when all you have is unemployment checks, lol ] and he had done research on the new apple phone that was due and the other phone he chose to buy, , and he did not like the specific apple phone at the time for some reason, [hes all about apple] anyway, a man was standing in line in front of him, and they started to chat about it, and the manager, who was waiting on people overheard him. When my son got to his turn the manager asked him during their conversation if he was looking for work. My son replied, funny thing, yes, i just got laid off.
this man was so impressed with my sons knowledge and sales skills , to this other man, as to why he was buying the other phone model, that he offered him a job. He got my son an interview in two days, and then that interview resulted in him being sent to boston for a week or two of paid training to be a tech, for a company called flextronics, which then he got a job working for verizon. though technically not a verizon employee [the paychecks were from flextronics] he did so well at his job, selling and up selling, that IF he would have had at the very least an associates degree, when flextronics contract expired with Verizon he would have gotten hired by them directly. but he did not [and even his girlfriend tried to influence the company, knowing his skills set] , all he had was a GED, so verizon let him go by the way side. fools they were. he saw i bet 20 people come and go in that store, because they could not handle the stress of sales. he said some people couldn't last three days. he was there for 10 months at least. before he got terminated [and never got a single penny of commission, because he was not a verizon employee, see how sneaky they are? subcontract out sales people , call them techs and save money on commission ]
see, he had the ability, and he got turned away, only because he did not have a piece of paper. and thats what makes me angry about certain college degrees. when you have skill, you shouldn't have to have paper to say you do, its like you have to pay to be believed. verizon could have aid for my son to go to school and get that associates degree thus having an awesome employee. but no they do not reward talent. verizon is not a great place to work and they know it, its human resources that ruin a lot of a companies potential, [as my husbands company is finding out]
though he will never regret that job, its where he met his current girlfriend, who was the supervisor. and since she was they had to hide their relationship or risk her getting fired. and he got experience.
after that job panned out he went on to somehow landing a job for a man who owned a cricket wireless store and he made him manager right off, but that man took advantage of him and ripped him off with pay, and he had to work so much he got sick, he quit , and won his unemployment due to unfair labor practices.
but with that job he gained knowledge.
my son would have been a stellar jw 'sales' person, had he not been so smart. his personality is likeable and hes convincing, and hes a quiet talker and calm. but he experienced the typical jw hypocrisy, the obvious rank and file and DF'ing of people he knew to be good loving persons, and left way before i did.
I hope for his sake he lands his perfect job that he wants. he wants to work in hes taking political something or other.
like me, and we always try to consider people and fix whats broke.well i got to go to work now, my tea is gone,
thanks all for listening.