tho this guy talks slow, hes got a good video, Armageddon is not a when, its a where. he wraps it up pretty good.
tho this guy talks slow, hes got a good video, Armageddon is not a when, its a where. he wraps it up pretty good.
"the purpose of this magazine, the watchtower, is to honor jehovah god, the supreme ruler of the universe.
just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world events in the light of bible prophecies.
it comforts people with the good news that gods kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
here is how the 1989 wt reads
The purpose of The Watchtower is to exalt Jehovah God as the Sovereign of the universe.
It keeps watch on world events as they fulfill bible prophesy. It comforts all peoples with the good news that Gods kingdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen and that it will turn the earth into a paradise. It encourages faith in the now reigning King Jesus Christ, whose shed blood opens the way for mankind to gain eternal life. The Watchtower published by Jehovah's Witnesses continuously since 1879 is nonpolitical.It adheres to the bible as its authority.
now, not too different but curiously different.
and lol, Im still looking for the multiple scriptures used by the apostles, to back up the claim that 'Gods kingdom' will destroy anyone ,let alone ONLY those who oppress their fellowmen, or that Gods kingdom is going to turn the earth into a paradise. technically the earth is a paradise, man just sh@#s all over it.
and remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
is it true, [a pediatrician once told me this] that children in the euro countries do not start vaccines until they are 12 months old?
now this is when i started my children, by choice. I felt it was too soon to start immunizations so young.
and its the usual habit of the doctors here in the states to start to inject three month old infants with these deadly diseases, and every month there after, before they have a good immune system, and are physically able to handle them.
the age is what I take issue with.
"the purpose of this magazine, the watchtower, is to honor jehovah god, the supreme ruler of the universe.
just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world events in the light of bible prophecies.
it comforts people with the good news that gods kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
so what else have they omitted? uh, how about Jesus. lol
its amazing how no one notices certain things, its taken for granted.
and searcher, that article is classic
'Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation.'
that's rich, what the hell do they think they are NOT 'an independent study group to analyze a bible...' ?
'Do as we say not as we do'
'It is commendable for individuals to want to use their thinking ability'
wow, thanks so much for patronizing me, WT !
not sure where to post this, but the other day my jw mom says to me, 'the number is increasing they announced that we need 40,000 new kingdom halls'.
ok, who else has heard this, and how should i respond, other than to say well your cong is smaller now than it was 15 years ago..... where your growth?.
fun with the book of jobjob ch 1 vs4 they celebrated birthdays.
] and it was several days international version4 his sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.orother version...4 his sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
[how would a jw twist the following scripture that says job offered a sin offering in case the sinned...]5.after a series of banquet days was complete, job would send for them in order to sanctify them.
oh yea that old 'not be tempted beyond what you can bear' logic,
i hate that, its simply not true! how many people are on anti depressants because they cant BEAR LIFE ANYMORE! when you pray to die, its beyond what you can bear!
so i have been doing some reading lately.
i have yet to bump into the text that show that preaching is a requirement to qualify for baptism.
in fact, i have read more paragraphs that say otherwise.
I thought it was this, Jesus baptized by water , to be washed clean of the sin of denying he was the messiah for Israel. [apostasy] in Acts , those were fellow Israelite's, the 'men of Judea ' who were being 'preached' to,
and brought back into the fold by their getting baptized. the 3000 repented.
and so, no one other than the 12 who were told to go to the lost sheep of the house of israel and preach repentance were to do that work.
now, Paul baptism is 'in spirit', and as a gentile I am not required to be baptized under the water of repentance since I was not a member of the house of Israel.
am I wrong?
jehovah's witnesses are taught that it will be joy to be around a lion or other such animal without fear in paradise:.
it truly will be paradise restored.
what of the joy to be around a lion or other such animal without fear?
well 2nd Corinthians 2 vs 2,3,4, says paradise is in the third heaven.
and Jesus said to the man next to him, you will be with me in paradise.
so, where does Jesus live?
fun with the book of jobjob ch 1 vs4 they celebrated birthdays.
] and it was several days international version4 his sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.orother version...4 his sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
[how would a jw twist the following scripture that says job offered a sin offering in case the sinned...]5.after a series of banquet days was complete, job would send for them in order to sanctify them.
lol, so nobody wants to touch the dragon thing? or that God for 'no reason' let satan torture Job?
not sure where to post this, but the other day my jw mom says to me, 'the number is increasing they announced that we need 40,000 new kingdom halls'.
ok, who else has heard this, and how should i respond, other than to say well your cong is smaller now than it was 15 years ago..... where your growth?.
not sure where to post this, but The other day my jw mom says to me, 'the number is increasing they announced that we need 40,000 new kingdom halls'.
ok, who else has heard this, and how should i respond, other than to say well your cong is smaller now than it was 15 years ago..... where your growth?