here is an interesting take on that
food for thought: .
why didn't jesus (as the sacrificial lamb) choose bread and wine to signify his life instead of the (if it was actually on the passover) lamb that would have been there per jewish practice?
also using a lamb would have been consistent with the law...the symbolic ideas would have been linear instead we have lamb represents "passover lamb"/messiah represented by bread and wine?
here is an interesting take on that
first: what is gematria?.
answer: interpreting the scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.. greek and hebrew did not use a different system for their alphabets and their numerals, but the letters of the alphabet played double duty, so that each letter had a numerical value.
one pay-off of that system was that every word had a numerical value, discovered simply by adding up the letters.
yes jesus was a real person, so was his brother jesus,
and his other brother jesus...
500 years from now, no one will know we existed.
especially if someone burns down the big building with all our birth certificates and death certificates, .lol
i always wondered what exactly they were.
now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts.
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
hmm, how about that searcher, good call.
now baptism is only in Christ, am i wrong , the point, I thought of baptism was
uh, 'repentance' for the sin of denying him as savior? and that was only for the followers of the law who denied him?
i always wondered what exactly they were.
now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts.
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
ill go with those searcher, lol, so yes,now comparing that one in Philippians with a real bible, the new world has skewed the scripture meaning.
a 'regular' bible, [niv]
10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
and [esv]
10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
and so, now its a question of what things , that they themselves, the cong at phillipi, knows what to approves of that are excellent...
im wondering still what those things excellent, best things are.
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
we always have tribulation. the great tribulation was , in mu opinion, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70.
when this happened, so much history was burned to the ground that we may never know what really happened.
all scriptures were written after the fact [and surely written so that all things seemed to fit in line with a claimed prophecy.]
now Nostradamus could be considered a prophet of sorts as well, if someone can use his writings to claim they fit the 9/11 situation, then how talented were those early writers of fiction?
the Great tribulation had to have happened in those days, because THEY were being told to be aware. I have simply found not one scripture that tells us that there is a second third or fourth application of a future re-fulfillment . where does it say in the bible ...
'and many thousands of years from today, I truly tell you ,that man must keep ready, for the same shall pass over them'
i always wondered what exactly they were.
now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts.
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
lot's of people believe that china will soon be a super-power.
while its true that roughly 400 million chinese have attained a living standard approximating the usa, there is still another 700 million who have not.. every year, some 100 million chinese take overseas holidays.
and, many millions of chinese live overseas, either as students or as representatives of chinese companies.. but of the 700 million who have not achieved something like western prosperity, some 90 million still live in poverty, leaving 610 million struggling between poverty and a low level of prosperity.. until they can live more comfortably, the chinese government must focus on building a more prosperous nation.. .
with all the air pollution id say they wont live very long , but why would china want to take over anyone's land? they have some of the best realestate around, they just have to figure out , like the US, how to clean up their act.
what they [and everyone else] should be doing is forcing out all the dirty factories, and stop exporting and importing and be self sufficient.
i always wondered what exactly they were.
now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts.
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
I always wondered what exactly they were. now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
maybe its a new world translation thing, oh well, cant delete my post.
[and trying to get something past all the 'post spam,' lol ]
...that only people from those countries can lead 'his organization'.. a few years ago, one conversation stopper people would often bring up to jws in my country is: 'you guys are an american religion'.
the standard answer we were formatted to give to shoot that down was that "god does not favor any nationality over others.
however some countries do possess some advantages needed for the advancement of the divine work.
I always felt that the ones in new york are and always will be totally disconnected from the world and its different cultures. there is no way an American based religious organization can be of use to another nations peoples.
the 'works' that james spoke of in his book, are not that of going to church, and preaching. its about helping one another and having close relationships with people. we do not need organized religion , period.
a friend of mine who is still very much in and trying to get me back to meetings, told me her and her husband are going to project manage the new build and the sale of all the buildings in london.
i said 'wow, they will have made loads of money on those properties in london' she liked a little uncomfortable..... i'm thinking as i believe they are genuine honest people, will they be exposed more to the hidden ongoings a of the society in the bethel?.
surely all the development and program planning, is done by people knowing they have to keep people believing, so therefore, they must know it is all b#lloxs.
that be the last time you talk to that person, lol