lmao, how do you present yourself as normal?? you must not BE normal if you have to act it. and gee how do we 'act normal" if we dont know what normal is, lol
thats wrong in so many ways.
'These trips sometimes provide opportunities to visit museums, historic sites and other places of cultural interest."
we should be careful that the convention spirit does not become a vacation spirit.
[oh yea, we cant have any fun what so ever now] whats a vacation spirit? is that the same as an evil spirit? or a broken spirit?
I dont know about anyone else, but on a Sunday nothing is usually open after 4 pm.
who wanted to stay another day? or could afford to miss a day of work?
we were lucky to get to stop for ice cream on the way home.
and your so sick and tired of sitting in a 'freezer' or oven, depending on where you went for a convention, on a squeaky hard seat, all you want to do is go home and eat real fresh cooked food, not peanut butter and jelly and bottled water again. and get some sleep and not be kept awake all night listening to the loud smelly air conditioning unit run in your ear.
I honestly have no clue how my mother got through a 7 [6, 5 ,4 ] day convention, and with me as a child to boot. I must have slept a lot.