JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
You are invited to sit down with the GB members..
by James Mixon inyou have the opportunity to sit and discuss what's on your mind.. what would you tell them??.
my question, do you men have a heart, how do you sleep at nights??.
why do you think jehovah pick you to feed the sheep??.
you need 8 i believe... -
You are invited to sit down with the GB members..
by James Mixon inyou have the opportunity to sit and discuss what's on your mind.. what would you tell them??.
my question, do you men have a heart, how do you sleep at nights??.
why do you think jehovah pick you to feed the sheep??.
how can you sit beneath God Almighty print up your own version of a bible, mislead people with your teachings,
unless you know for a certainty that he does not exist and you are not under his Judgment?
Is anyone keeping a running total of WT real estate sales and acquisitions world wide?
by SadElder ini've been searching both the forum and on-line and can't seem to find what i need.
does anyone have access to a running total of all the real estate transactions going on with the dubs.
it would be nice to see this in an excel sheet or some other printable form..
sowhatnow might have what your looking for but not probably on that format of excel -
1st POST: A romance with a JW
by myangelface ini am not a jw ...however i began having bible studies (i d call them watchtower studies).
i was beginning to get lured in and brainwashed into accepting the religion as the true religion...but something inside of me told me there was something odd.
some time passes and i was invited to a meeting and i accepted.
forget about trying to get him to be your boyfreind for now, try to encourage him to stay in school and finish.
college drop outs are worse than high school drop outs, in that you might always feel like a failure.
whos throwing that money away?
maybe if you can get him to stay in school and get his degree, and in the mean time once in a while, present some small issues or bible questions, so that he may start to ponder about the religion. let him learn how deceiving it is.
them maybe just maybe when school is all done, he will be mature enough to let go of the guilt of leaving such a controlling religion. watchtower examiner on you tube does a fantastic job of making a jw think.
by the way, I was told years ago by an elder that you cant get disfellowshiped for marrying a worldly person, you get disfellowshiped for committing fornication beforehand. It depends on how the elders interpret the bible. but no place does the bible say we have to marry a fellow jw. it says marry in the lord, which to me means that when you marry, if you have the lord in your life, no matter what faith you claim to be, you have his blessing, as long as the marriage bed is not 'defiled'.
but then I think those rules were only for those under the law. who knows.
by brandnew ingrowing up, i never ever even saw these guys faces, or even knew their names.
all of a sudden they're on my computer screen, tv, and on every other magazine coming out of the watchtower machine.
why all the glamour now?
senility has set in. the watchtower grandpa's are bored, and want some new projects.
and you cant reason with them, after all, they know everything, lol
JW Children - We're normal, and have fun at conventions, etc.
by berrygerry inwas reading a poster's experience with custody, and the info in wts child custody packet.. children are prepped to present themselves as normal, with school friendships, hobbies, activities, etc.
and not to mention that their life-goal is to pioneer.. the school brochure (1983) contains this gem:.
"they [witness families] also travel several times each year to attend larger gatherings called circuit assemblies and district conventions.
lmao, how do you present yourself as normal?? you must not BE normal if you have to act it. and gee how do we 'act normal" if we dont know what normal is, lol
thats wrong in so many ways.
'These trips sometimes provide opportunities to visit museums, historic sites and other places of cultural interest."
we should be careful that the convention spirit does not become a vacation spirit.
[oh yea, we cant have any fun what so ever now] whats a vacation spirit? is that the same as an evil spirit? or a broken spirit?
I dont know about anyone else, but on a Sunday nothing is usually open after 4 pm.
who wanted to stay another day? or could afford to miss a day of work?
we were lucky to get to stop for ice cream on the way home.
and your so sick and tired of sitting in a 'freezer' or oven, depending on where you went for a convention, on a squeaky hard seat, all you want to do is go home and eat real fresh cooked food, not peanut butter and jelly and bottled water again. and get some sleep and not be kept awake all night listening to the loud smelly air conditioning unit run in your ear.
I honestly have no clue how my mother got through a 7 [6, 5 ,4 ] day convention, and with me as a child to boot. I must have slept a lot.
by Harold Mourning infood for thought: .
why didn't jesus (as the sacrificial lamb) choose bread and wine to signify his life instead of the (if it was actually on the passover) lamb that would have been there per jewish practice?
also using a lamb would have been consistent with the law...the symbolic ideas would have been linear instead we have lamb represents "passover lamb"/messiah represented by bread and wine?
here is an interesting take on that
FUN with (Bible) numbers! Or, how an obsession with gematria steered the writing of the Bible
by TerryWalstrom infirst: what is gematria?.
answer: interpreting the scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.. greek and hebrew did not use a different system for their alphabets and their numerals, but the letters of the alphabet played double duty, so that each letter had a numerical value.
one pay-off of that system was that every word had a numerical value, discovered simply by adding up the letters.
yes jesus was a real person, so was his brother jesus,
and his other brother jesus...
500 years from now, no one will know we existed.
especially if someone burns down the big building with all our birth certificates and death certificates, .lol
what are the necessary/more important things?
by sowhatnow ini always wondered what exactly they were.
now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts.
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
hmm, how about that searcher, good call.
now baptism is only in Christ, am i wrong , the point, I thought of baptism was
uh, 'repentance' for the sin of denying him as savior? and that was only for the followers of the law who denied him?
what are the necessary/more important things?
by sowhatnow ini always wondered what exactly they were.
now i cant find the right scripture, but its not those spoken of in acts.
15 vs 29, maybe it was the more important things?
ill go with those searcher, lol, so yes,now comparing that one in Philippians with a real bible, the new world has skewed the scripture meaning.
a 'regular' bible, [niv]
10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
and [esv]
10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
and so, now its a question of what things , that they themselves, the cong at phillipi, knows what to approves of that are excellent...
im wondering still what those things excellent, best things are.