ok once and for all,
where did all matter COME FROM, to do all these things.
and where would God have COME FROM if it was A GOD?
something doesn't come from nothing no matter what we think right?
its truly IS a mystery.
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
ok once and for all,
where did all matter COME FROM, to do all these things.
and where would God have COME FROM if it was A GOD?
something doesn't come from nothing no matter what we think right?
its truly IS a mystery.
i always took issue with the idea of no one knowing why a person got df.. i know im not alone.. i complained to my mother about this when i was younger, explaining that how do we know what it is that gets a person df if no one knows what they did?
my moms answer was , .
'if people knew a persons personal faults and what they did , others would not be so forgiving when they were reinstated, because we'd always view them with that view, so in other words, if when so n so, committed fornication, and the whole cong would know it, if they announced from the platform then his/her reputation would be permanently stained' .
I always took issue with the idea of no one knowing why a person got DF.
I know Im not alone.
I complained to my mother about this when I was younger, explaining that how do we know what it is that gets a person DF If no one knows what they did?
my moms answer was ,
'if people knew a persons personal faults and what they did , others would not be so forgiving when they were reinstated, because we'd always view them with that view, so in other words, if when so n so, committed fornication, and the whole cong would know it, if they announced from the platform then his/her reputation would be permanently stained'
then Id say,
"Ok I get that, BUT, if you KNEW that your sin would be exposed on the platform, how much more would you have tried to NOT do those things to get DF? "
So, here perhaps, we have someone drinking a lot, and then getting DF.
here would be an announcement
'sister generic is DF due to her drinking ' or , 'bro poorhouse is DF because hes a hoarder'. [yes i know someone who was DF for having a 'dirty' object packed house. they died being DF.]
and the big one
'bro elder is being DF for molesting a child'
so IF we know what a person did, and we knew it would be announced, how much closer to the [one] bible account would this in fact be, and would it have prevented a lot more people from committing 'sins, or on the other hand, simply from getting baptized to begin with?
effects of a nuclear bomb video - .
just trying to understand their 'thinking'.
I was never convinced that God would destroy his perfect creation, only those imperfect selfish wicked people, and with the wave of a wand, lol that can be done.
That is a good point, WHERE does it say anywhere in the bible that 'Armageddon' is going to be started by humans and their weapons.
by way of 'preaching the truth about the truth' ,
we can use this fool hearty photo I hope, to make someone think!!!
plus we all know now, its a place not an event. yay.
oh....ok....hahaha...did anyone else pick up on this classic stuff up in the wt for the weekend of 21/22 feb?.
after speaking about the destruction of sodom and gomorrah, paragraph 6 says:.
"only lot and his daughters, who stuck close to him, survived".
Gagging noise.....
omg, that whole story just was so stupid, yea right, ill get my dad drunk [and myself near death drunk] and have sex with him, [where did they get wine?]
EW on more than ten levels ! Id sooner have sex with my sister.
and gee who recorded that story. what was the purpose??? really did we need to know THOSE details, but not any more of the 'wonderful things' Jesus did because there wasn't enough room for it? lol
HOW LONG were they alone that they couldn't wait to get back to the city or town to meet other people?
did they die in the wilderness? lol, so then who knew what happened.
and God was ok with this because you know he couldn't POSSIBLY make sure they got back to people soon enough.
what I never understood is WHAT do all these foolish bible stories do for anyone as far as spirituality and knowing who our savior is?
first off i want to say that i'm a teenager which makes my situation interesting.
i don't want to give too many details in case someone i know reads this but i'm between 14 and 18, homeschooled, and i've been awake for around one or one and a half years.
i already have a plan to attend usc or wisconsin university if i'm smart enough to get in and then move to san jose and try and get a job working for a hs football team or with a soccer team, since i want to coach sports or be an agent.. now, this all sounds great in theory but there's one thing i've been thinking about that makes me doubt my plan.
i agree with finally awake plus, I know from experience, our emotions will take over our brains,
we know what we should do, and that's the logical thing, go to school, finish and get the job. you have the plan, why screw with it? you already know the answer, but your emotional side is looking for some reason to mess it up. and you know , that no matter how hard it is , your plan makes more sense. we foolishly let those emotions come in and screw with our commons sense. my emotions sucked me back into a failing marriage. adults are not immune to mistakes lol
there is always email and texting while you are away. you can keep in touch and let her know how fun college is, and how you wish she could see how great it is to see the positive in things.
at your young age you dont need to start your life off worrying about something that has a 50 50 chance at being a wrong choice.
thats a coin I wouldn't want to flip.
ok, so we know that the wt teaches that every sin can be forgiven, but if one leaves the org and becomes a "vile apostate", that is "sinning against the holy spirit" and can not be forgiven?.
so, murderous sick people are ok.. child abusers...ok. violent drug dealers ...ok. war mongering genocidal killers...ok. but, speak against the gb....not ok....you are the worst of the worst!.
makes perfect sense really hey?.
so the bible only says if somene speaks against the holy spirit, but not Jesus and God?
hmm, so what then would it be that someone could speak against the holy spirit?
its not like there is a scripture that says,
'you know that Daniel, he spoke against the holy spirit when he said "??????" ......., and then God struck him with boils'
funny 'address'
guess they did not fall for the 'threat' lol
just come here to vent a bit.
last night we had one of those meeting where i had a hard time keeping my eyes from rolling.
i tell you, sometimes i think they have a mind of their own, my eyes that is.
Ecclesiastes 5
7For in many dreams and in many words there is emptiness. Rather, fear God.
psalm 116
11 I said in my haste, All men are liars.
james 1
anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his
tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless.
so what WAS that whole paragraph trying to tell the reader? that a train is not able to stop but the org is?
or a train cant stop but a wheel with eyes can?
or is it telling people
the wheels and not a train,
and could 'change direction instantly,' and the wt say...
'Because of pride, men often refuse to adapt to changing needs and circumstances.' [as if they have?]
so they are not following this advice....
ephesians 4 13until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.14As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;15but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,
you torture soul, going to those brain numbing sessions.
when your there, go sit on the commode and play games on your phone...
what have you done so far as to convince them they are misled?
what has worked for you.. it is inconceivable to me, that if my mother or father showed me proof of why the wt org is false, that i wouldn't take them seriously, after all they are older and should know better, but it seems there are some of you who have the opposite outcome, where your children think you are misled and senile, and grandparents are surely labeled as senile.
one would reason then, if this were truly the case, that you are 'senile' or demented, then wouldn't that be taken into consideration when having loving contact with your parents?
what have you done so far as to convince them they are misled? what has worked for you.
it is inconceivable to me, that if my mother or father showed me proof of why the wt org is false, that i wouldn't take them seriously, after all they are older and should know better, but it seems there are some of you who have the opposite outcome, where your children think you are misled and senile, and grandparents are surely labeled as senile.
one would reason then, if this were truly the case, that you are 'senile' or demented, then wouldn't that be taken into consideration when having loving contact with your parents? were to respect our parents, right?
from the online journal yad l'achim .
in the above article jehovah's witnesses and the jews, a great many controversial issues are placed squarely in the spotlight of history.
sounds like an argument between two teenage girls..
'And anyway the Jews belong to “organization of the Devil”. (49)'
yea, I know, right?
“The Jews are the epitome of the fact how terrible it is not to be under Jehovah’s blessings.
Amy :
and get this,
They served the cruel Nazi enemy very well with everything connected to murdering the Jews.”(53)
and then [label licker] mom walks in and says