maybe it should say 'congregation', instead of khall.
and have more than one website for other cult like denominations as well. the blue is a dead giveaway tho lol
the first ever billboard has been crowd funded on reddit and will be going up.
i'm curious to know if it will cause a spark in any jw's who already have questions or doubts and lead them to research into the child abuse cases and lead them to the thought that the wt and gb are not inspired or gods mouthpiece.
at the very least it will provide people a topic of conversation and questions to the jw's who knock on their door: "so whats this whole sex abuse in kingdom halls thing about i saw on the billboard down the road?
maybe it should say 'congregation', instead of khall.
and have more than one website for other cult like denominations as well. the blue is a dead giveaway tho lol
omg [ not only at minuet 4] but here in the video around minuet 9, he starts with the whole finances thing.. statements like.
the masters resources .
spending jehovahs money .
omg [ not only at minuet 4] but here in the video around minuet 9, he starts with the whole finances thing.
statements like
the masters resources
the discrete slave. lol
Gee God needs money? millions of dollars each month? [hey, we want to see where it goes]
and no lawsuits due to misapplied rules from and ancient sun God.
surely God has shown disapproval at such an organization. they truly are like the rest. not at all humble and discrete.
"you deserve the god you worship"-joseph campbell
wow, thats a good thing, the god I believe in isnt a pious unforgiving materialistic ass who expects people to leap through ancient hoops live a life of denial and shun their fellow man over ancient misinterpreted text.
the may broadcast on
we need money!.
i love his exaggerated gestures, so comical, makes me want to puke. he should be a cartoon with those creepy facial expressions too.
oh and everything is historic, lol. i always hated that music.
ok so they are back to criticizing employment.
the governing body mentioned before a scripture prov 3 9. now trying to explain their interpretation of first fruits valuable things. all the produce, uh, produce, dude ,lol nothing more, OMG it was ONLY FOR ISRAELITE'S!!!!
exodus 23 19 'best of the first ripe fruits of the ground', again food!!!
now is this a type or anti type ? or turning it into an allegory make up stuff much.
how is honor [rev 4 11] related to valuable things? lol, a huge twist of scripture using greek root words.
yes at time 4 58[?] to 6.00 is where he says 'finances].
where in he bible does it say we need to sacrifice our time and money and family and jobs, for Gods favor?
no where! 70 hours per month? for a pioneer? they have no life and no knowlege. they must be low on hours too
again the law to Moses is mentioned. were NOT under that LAW! we do not HAVE to do these things.
oh and at 8 minuets do you have 'construction skills', so they can build kingdom halls, lol wow jehov is 'magnified' by these skills and energy. oh really. [so all others are dead weight poo poo].
9.00 back to financial support he claims "for over 130 years this organization has never solicited for funds,
and it certainly isn't going to start now", lmao..... he says...
we dont send out monthly statements to each of jw, specifying a dollar amount that should be submitted to finance the work worldwide. ... then he goes on with 'we dont know who gives what'. any donations are not misappropriated he uses matt 24 45 -47 'the governing body the faithful slave and the discrete slave wisely managing'
...oh I cant finish! lol start at 8 if you want to hear the money talk...
all along the watch tower: annual convention returns next month.
cornwall seaway news.
may 04, 2015. cornwall, ontario - it's nearly time for the annual pilgrimage to cornwall for thousands of jehovah's witnesses.. the faithful will start converging in cornwall on june 12 for the first of three watch tower conventions being held at the cornwall civic complex in the ed lumley arena.. altogether more than 7,500 delegates will be attending the three conventions, pumping in excess of $3.5 million dollars in economic benefits into the community, the city said monday.
i cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
if the rate of aging was increased from 900 to 80 or 90 when the bible books were still being written, then by now we all should be extinct. lol.
but as history shows, many ancient societies, lived very short lives, due to disease death from pregnancy and giving birth, being hunted by animals, and hardships finding food, and shelter.
most age expectancy to 35 to 50 at the highest. now we are living longer again.
please , gods_ kingdom, where does the bible tell us when the 100 yr reign begins, and ends,
and where does it say that only resurrected ones will be in it? does the bible say people live 'through' the great war of God the almighty? people always will live through tribulation. [ since Armageddon is not an event, it is a place, so thats like saying were going to live through canada, lol.]
what I understand is that only [ the apostles] 12 will rule with him to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
Matthew 19
28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man is seated on the throne of his glory, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
revelation 20 vs says those who were given the authority to judge....[ there is no number of thrones mentioned here yet the 12 thrones are assumed, since it is stated that those who sit on them are judges].
4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They[a] had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years
see from what i understand, the bible tells us that Jesus was only a savior and mediator for the Israelites. jesus said go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. not anyone else. [no where does the bible tell us that jesus ended the law code]. we are not then followers of the mosaic law. so we are not under it.
Thank the Lord, lol
the whole meeting for me was nauseating yesterday... the talk was on "science".. nuff said... then the watchtower, they are just spinning in circles patting themselves on the back lately it seems, but this is one thing that really stuck out to me.. i heard the comment multiple times about how the 2013 version of nwt made things "easier to understand" "simpler" and so on.
this has been one of my main beefs with yhwh and his book.
this is supposedly the tool for mankind to all live or die based on whether or not they:.
my mom says to me, when i tell her the bible has been changed, "oh come on, you mean to tell me that God cant preserve his word? yor nuts God made sure his word was preserved" shes being sarcastic yet dumb.
what ill tell her next time she says that is 'well apparently not since over the centuries its been 'simplified" so much by mankind because evidently were all too stupid to figure it out on our
if so would that not make matthew ch 17 vs 3 [transfiguration] a bit confusing to explain?
i mean, where did they come from?
the grave?
maybe not, my mother would say 'just because they were 'looking' for a heavenly kingdom doesn't mean that's what they were going to be given" lol
but vs 13 is interesting, it says they are foreigners ON EARTH.
13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.
wow, we can run with that one.
here in matthew chapter 19 jesus tells a man the commandments he has to do to gain life... which apparently did not include partaking of his flesh and blood.
so this means that this man could have everlasting life and not partake of the emblems.
they knew not of them.
here in Matthew chapter 19 Jesus tells a man the commandments he has to do to gain life... which apparently did not include partaking of his flesh and blood. so this means that this man could have everlasting life and not partake of the emblems. they knew not of them.
16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”
17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
18 “Which ones?” he inquired.
Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’[c] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]”now surely if there were more, Jesus would have said so right?
if so would that not make matthew ch 17 vs 3 [transfiguration] a bit confusing to explain?
i mean, where did they come from?
the grave?
if so would that not make Matthew ch 17 vs 3 [transfiguration] a bit confusing to explain? I mean, where did they come from? the grave?