my jw mom would explain it this way:
because we now have the bible so we don't need any personal contact with them,,,,,
the bible has ample evidence of god communicating with humans during the first 4 centuries.. since jesus time ,god has not communicated with humans at all .,in the same way as he did in the first 4 centuries .. in fact jesus has not communicated with humans in the same way as jehovah did for the first 4000 years., during his 2000 years to this date , .
does not the bible say , god does not change , he is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow ?.
so why was god communicating with humans on a regular basis , one way or another for 4000 years and then , neither jehovah or his son jesus christ ever directly contacted humans ?.
my jw mom would explain it this way:
because we now have the bible so we don't need any personal contact with them,,,,,
on one hand, wtbts blame you if you choose to work instead of pioneering, and on the another hand, they ask crazily amount of money!.
isn't it paradoxal ?.
if every jw leave his job and pioneer, no more money!.
yes this is the thing i always took issue with, they want you to donate, but teach that to go to college and get a better education to make good money so that you CAN donate is wrong, is talk coming out of a fools mouth.
how on earth do they plan to maintain their little kingdom on earth when all the subjects are lowly poor peasants? lol
so, i left about 5 years ago and at that time, the official ruling on number of members was a little over 6 million.
i google jw out of boredom the other day and find they are now claiming 8 million members.
sooooo.... hold on 2 million increase in 5 years?
im sure to use this the next time i accidentally get sucked into an argument with someone.
im not ever understanding the idea behind any christian religion picking and choosing what they want to believe and follow, then have the nerve to claim they are right, when clearly this is obviously done.
here is a site that shows not only how bloodthirsty and evil the god of the hebrew bible was, but how more ridiculous it is for jws to follow one twisted 'commandment' about eating blood, not only reading it wrong, but then not to do all the other commandments, willingly , do they think they are ancient israelites ?
bingo punkofnice,
personal interpretation indeed.
that crazy 'book of scripture' [along with that of Nostradamus and other prophetic type of writings] was written and later loosely assembled deliberately to cause a never ending source of debate .
good going mr devil... what a way to divide the human race
like the title says, i'm wondering if anyone here knows what instructions came with the new brochure about returning to jehovah.
did each person get a certain number at the convention?
are they to be handed out at will, up to each publisher's individual discretion?
but i thought it was jesus who we were to have faith in? is it not he that was given all the judging? is it not his name we should call on for salvation? hmm was it not he who was given the right to rule?
if satan is the greatest apostate there is, why he was allowed to be in heaven?
job chapters 1 and 2 says that jehovah talked to him.
wasn't jehovah supposed to shun his son and set an example to all parents?.
i always wondered why Jesus would go with Satan so he could tempt him
Matthew 4
1.Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
5.Then the Devil took Him to the holy city, had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple,and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: He will give His angels orders concerning you, and they will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone."
Again, the Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
9And he said to Him, "I will give You all these things if You will fall down and worship me.
hmm now how did Jesus see 'all the kingdoms of the world?' because he did not.
why would he be led by Satan?
[ i dont believe it as it is written to be true, its is a story, for there is no purpose or logic to that whole event in my mind]
since when did Satan own all the kingdoms of the world where did he earn that right.not what the scriptures say.
anyway, its like deliberately going along with your brother knowing hes an a@#Hole and letting him jerk around with you and argue. to prove what pray tell.
i have just finished reading 'brock talon's' two books.
in one of them, entitled journey to god's house, pub.
he comments on how the wt's pictures of the post-armageddon world do not agree with their doctrines, namely that those who are physically resurrected will not marry/have children.
well, if were told to wait and see,
then i guess all we all will wait and see what becomes of everything else as well. so why worry about
there are literally about thirty young single very good looking sisters in this one kingdom hall under the age of 30. that is just one kingdom hall.
in the circuit there are literally hundreds of young beautiful jw girls under 30 who are single and anxious to get married.
about two years ago, this one single good looking brother who is about 30 years old and who is an elder married this plain looking sister who is 59 years old.
lmao, [spiritual cougars]
so then all the older guys can go after the younger women if the younger men go after the older women?
gee im almost divorced, im 53 but look younger, so
maybe i should go back and get me a young fella to toss me around the sheets ? lol.
what woman in their right mind does that unless they are 'settling' ?
what i will never get is why, if older women like myself have the 'drive and desire' and 'experience',
the men our age who seem to have the 'drive and desire' to get with the younger woman
cant please the women their own age as well?
I have a young man interested in me , and i cant imagine the difficulty I would encounter, as well as he would, having a 20 year difference. i cant go there. its just to weird. Id feel like i was simply 'settling ' because there may not be someone my age to date. thats not fair.
that will strain any relationship. hes just getting his adult life started. he doesn't realize what he stands to miss out on if he got involved with someone my age.
im done with all the employment ups and downs. the job changes the moving around, the unemployment the bills, ect. two young married people need to grow together.
im not working my a@@ off till im 90 so i can help pay a whole new mortgage loan. I already work enough. not to mention the student loans the debt, the home renovations.
i have to work now, being single, i have no energy for all that. it would be like repeating my young adulthood. i dont want that , been there done that.
but gee seems these days
stacys mom has got it going on.... lol
like the title says, i'm wondering if anyone here knows what instructions came with the new brochure about returning to jehovah.
did each person get a certain number at the convention?
are they to be handed out at will, up to each publisher's individual discretion?
so, the evidence is so overwhelming they printed up some propaganda for the average jw to use as little more than a means for a guilt trip. hmm this will be interesting...
what pray tell, shall i prepare for the coming onslaught of 'hints' subtly tossed my way?
15 he said to them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
16 whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
17 and these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.. 19 after the lord jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of god.
why cant i edit my misspelled word mark? lol