well, when i was married and lived in a house, i had bird feeders and lots of windows, and my cats Loved to sit on their shelf and look out the windows, But Now, I live in a small single story half duplex, with no window to the backyard, [and no cats to love] just a door with a window on it. im lucky to have a door to a one acre yard where I live. there is a large window in the front but it faces the driveway, and the birds most likely would get hurt on the glass flying into it, so all i do is toss dry bread crumbs out on the back yard once a day. [im not at a place to afford feeders and seed my daughter saves me stale bread and crackers] in summer i can leave the door open, and the screen door at least lets me hear them and see them. i might try the web site idea. thanks for the input on teh monitors, ill keep that in mind, if I do end up borrowing one from someone, ill set it out only while Im eating breakfast, and keep it inside otherwise.