JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
New Witness video "Do not visit Witness dating sites" be happy single. Sick Horror!
by Witness 007 inafter the sunday meeting an over zealous young elder encourages the cong.
with a 2 hour clips from!
one video showed a young sister battling loneliness not able to find a mate in her hall or area.
there exist witness dating sites? lol, news to me. -
by Esmeralda001 ini need some advice guys.
how do you get people to mind their own buiseness without coming off as rude?.
i was invited to a jw gathering last night.
wow, they seemed pretty bored, and decided to go at you. Id avoid that situation again,lol
some of those were quite personal questions, Id have glared at them.
in my exp, changing the subject to something controversial helps. if not politics, then,
'so, what do you think about the cost of housing these days..'
'what about these football players and these head injuries...'
how about those gas prices! lol
all answers need to be generic and short.
who got that ring for you?
'me, i liked it'
what about boys do you have friends of the opposite sex?
'dont we all?' [sort of cant be helped... ]
do you sometimes work with a male partner on school work?
'uh, no why would you ask me that?'
what do you do in your spare time?
'oh, just whatever, you know, just keeping busy like everyone else ' lol
"Most women would prefer to be stay at home housewives. Women's lib did alot of damage to women!"
by purrpurr inthe above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
well i dont know if tall men make better lovers, but its been my personal exp that tall men are often better looking, at least it seems that way. not knowing how tall a man is when i click to view his dating profile, hes always 6 ft or taller. Then i get irritated, because thats too tall for me...... at 5 ft 4 that would be simply awkward. and yes they always seem to have some decent sort of employment title as well...
I dont like being short.
"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.
by sir82 indon't know if anyone else caught this subtle but malicious photo from the 12/13/15 wt study article.. not sure how to post pictures here, but the photo is on the website's copy of the article, just below paragraph 12:.
note the 3 pictures in sequence tell a "story":.
totally illogical.
first , off, one poster here brought up a good point. how taking children to another country sure is not something that is easily done. has anyone ever known a jw 'family' with young children, to be sent to a foreign country to preach a illogical message to people completely in the dark about a mainly American religion? and to what end will this benefit those people?
not only that, its implied that they are taking the kids out of out of school. again, teaching that there is no value to keeping up with needed education .
who do they think they are? the Wild Thornberrys? lol.
[plus,we all know how awful it went when Christianity was being forced on the people hundreds of years ago].
to be irresponsible to ones obligations,of family pets, and farm animals, is ,IMO, against the scriptures. what is the message to kids , when parents show so little concern and responsibility to another living thing?
that they are not to be valued. and the lack of love for something that has brought joy, is totally ridiculous.
apparently, none of the GB has had any pets.
how then are Values to be taught when the WT teaches that nothing is of value in the world? There is no lesson to be learned about how to love and care living things that are dependent on humans.
and yet here they are saying well gee, toss the dog over to someone else, drag the kids out of school, take them from grandma and grandpa and aunt and uncle, and all their friends, make them insecure, and dont worry about it.
that's teaching disrespect and lack of care.
Plans for huge Jehovah's HQ take shape
by Formerbrother in
its going to be a real beautiful place when its finished.. they are going for quality over quantity.
it used to be accommodation for a few thousand permanent residents, now its looking like less than a thousand permanent with the possibility of a few thousand more in temporary accommodation should the need arise.. some say the plans are going to be like a garden of eden in england :) i mean they had farming in london over the years but this is going to be epic what they are planning for temple farm at chelmsford.. they are planting thousands (literally) of fruit trees, including tropical fruits in huge green houses, huge vines yards and then the same basic farming activities as before.
hmm, an investment for the future sale of a luxury resort time share?
whos going to enjoy this fantabulose luxury retirement center? and off of whose dime?
or their private island home when all us other unfortunate 'outsiders' are in fema camps slaving for the one percent?
What's More Important...Taking care of immigrants or the needy in your country?
by minimus ini say take care of the needy ones first like our veterans and homeless and mentally ill, and then....take care of those not from this country.
Id lean towards the idea that If you cant take care of your own,
how then can you be trusted to be able to care for those who are not your own?
How Deep was your search in Bible or Religions ?
by Kick50r inhow far / deep was your research on the origins of the bible or religions or most importantly the concepts (heaven -gods - immortality-etc)today many millions of people believe as the truth?.
why did these concepts existed ?.
why so many people today still believe in these concepts ?.
after reading the new international version the gospels, and finding contradictions, I then read misquoting jesus by bart ehrman , then who wrote the bible, and a few others I cant recall., then chose a host of historical and scientific documentaries,
and come to the conclusion, that there are aliens among us, lol,
there must be, there is too much unexplained stuff going on.
November Study WT "Train You Child to Love Going Door 2 Door"
by JW_Rogue inbeen catching up on some jw reading and found a gem in the november study wt in the first article, paragraph #11:.
yet, you might look beyond the obvious and ask yourself, does my child enjoy the ministry or only the breaks?
if you discern that the ministry could be more interesting or more rewarding for your children, set goals with them.
Im pretty sure there isnt one scripture that would support children, or even women , preaching the good news about the Christ.
Im pretty certain, that duty was for the few select men chosen to do so. Jesus had said, go , not to the gentile nations, but to the lost sheep of Israel. in acts it was the 'lost sheep' that had repented, and got 'baptized' .
are not all the examples of 'child prodigies' in the bible from the old testament? a little research shows these few 'children' were not preaching about Christ Jesus.
Can somebody explain the songs and songbook obsession?
by careful ini've been out a while and have only put in a rare appearance at a memorial or brief visit at a convention/assembly to keep people off my back, so i haven't kept up on the songbook.
but one thing i've noticed that the org.
has been doing that they never did when i was in is all these "supplemental songs" that keep appearing.
i always found it quite interesting, that listening to a song on the radio, we can learn the lyrics and sing along usually within a few times of hearing it, however, al l the years in the khall listening and singing along with the words in front of us, I never saw a single person, sing without a songbook .One would think after 20 years of singing we thank you jehovah that wed remember all the lyrics, lol, but nope.[at least for the majority]
thank God.
Somebody forgot where they parked
by JeffT inhow does this happen?
I suppose that we need a aircraft junkyard, so people can go in and buy what they like and re purpose them houses, tourist attractions, metal art, wiring , computer parts, just whatever, when a plane is out of date, so to speak, there needs to be one place they can go and land and park. the waste this world has is a sin, and since when cant that metal be melted down?