The Service Dept will send a copy of your letter and the email to the CO and to the Cong.
not according to my sources.
the service department is not obligated to send a letter , Ive had someone who was DF tell me that is what he discovered.
Just because you send a letter, to no matter whom, it doesn't mean they have to share it, or even read it, or forward it. this person tried the letter thing once a year, until he died, and go nowhere with that.
years ago, when i was a teen and not baptized, not even attending meetings regularly, for like years, I was DF. my mom flipped out on the elders , she told them, 'shes not even baptized! you cant do that'. oh they argued with her, Im pretty sure they did it to get back at her, [ through me..... always the victim] she is pretty opinionated, lol, and she went directly to the CO, then the DO, and told them, and wala, 3 months later I was 'reinstated' my mom being so much like the woman in the bible who nagged the king until she got her way... got her way.