my mom used to always tell me, when door to door stops, the end will come.
well, I now wonder how she will twist this little curve to fit her philosophy.
maybe its their attempt to justify their bumbling on line and now public presence .
i recall watching that documentary a long time ago.
thing is, I don't know how any organization or cult, gains members by taking away their freedom to think for themselves, to live life the way that makes them happy, by taking away any joy they may have, and replacing it with nothing of value, I ask, what does it offer, that is any different than an extremest view , that you must sacrifice your life and die to have 'eternal life', or virgins, or whatever. its no better than being a celibate monk that beats themselves with whips. I don't recall reading any such need for such sacrifice in the bible.
I told my mom many times, if its so great, and everyone is so happy, people wouldn't be leaving.