JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
wow what a good week
by pepperheart inwhat a good week over 101 teaching books taken from the trolleys this week and put in the trash i might even be getting to all the 10 year old teaching books that they have on the trolleys hee hee
oh c'mon, your supposed to use those for fireplace kindling ,lol -
My First Bad Strawberry Festival Day-3/3/13
by Loi_241 ini wish that it was not my day.
oh, god.
why was that happen?
lol, well there you go, not everyone looks at the same situation the same way, maybe she did not understand what to do.
what state was the festival in? a few years ago, i went to the florida strawberry festival close to lakeland florida.
it was hot hot hot that day. wish it wasnt so hot, id have liked to have been able to stay longer.
Are You No Longer Interested in the Arts?
by compound complex ingreetings, new friends and old:.
i've been here some nine years now and have learned a lot.
made many dear friends.
Maybe some of us aren't aware that we can talk about other things, and get a response,lol .
well, there you go, done4good, we both like photography, and poetry and music.
[ Id guess some of my music isn't in your library,, lol.]
Id guess there is so much weirdness is going on in the org, its like everyday someone has a new story to tell.
so Ill give it a go.
maybe someone needs to pick a subject, and see what happens? Is photography an art or a hobby or both?
Lets say for example Id make a post about my photography hobby, and provide a link to some of my best photos at, would anyone care to view them? [who has the time]
I will drive a mile to find a high spot to take pics of a sunset, I will spend half an hour around a tree to get a good pic of a bird, or a squirrel. I go to the lake myself, and get photos of whatever the day brings me. my camera is my de stress buddy.
I enlarge my photos, and put them in frames and hang them in my place. I also give them as gifts. someday Id like to make a children's book or greeting cards
using my few little creative poems and my large collection of nature photos.
I just wish I had someplace else to get pictures other than the area around me.
Apparently, I have an unusual taste in music. I know no one who listens to what I do.
if I provided links to some songs, would anyone listen to them or recognize, the artists and say, ‘hey, I like those too!‘ I doubt it. Im an outlier.
Ok, so like everyone, been to Carnegie art museum, and all the other fine ‘artsy and museumy’ establishments in the Pittsburgh pa area. but not the andy worhol exhibit, thats not my thing. my daughter and I cleaned for an artist who won some sort of big award, she was very good.
next weekend Im going to the international car show.
I did try to post some humor, but no one must have thought it was funny, no one had any comments to add.
I guess then we’d maybe, find someone else that might have something in common with us, other than a former traumatic belief system, lol
or, how about this as a post,
In another life, or if you had it to do all over, what would you have liked to have done?
Id have loved to create and direct my own ice skating show, using my own music choices and costume ideas.
Id also love to design my own house, car, a housing plan, a school, shoes, and own my own clothing / bridal dress shop. gift and flower shop, and have a real-estate license , or sell cars.and yes i have read books...
ok, now, is this what you mean? lol.
well I tried... -
Evolution is a Fact #16 - Aquatic Mammals
by cofty inhaving spent at least 20 million years acquiring the machinery to survive on dry land and hundreds of millions more diversifying and exploiting every conceivable niche, a number of landlubbers made their way back to the sea.. among these were pond snails, water spiders, water beetles, crocodiles, otters, sea snakes, water shrews, galapagos flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, penguins and turtles.
of course the most impressive example of all are the whales and their little cousins the dolphins.
these have gone all the way back to an aquatic existence as have dugongs and their close cousins the manatees jointly known as the sirenians, they don’t even come ashore to breed.
I have always been fascinated by fossils, I could never understand the process that takes place that makes a bone, last for so long. especially when people dig up bones in their backyard, that aren't that deep, that are supposedly thousands of years old.
all things that exist on earth that are exposed to any amount of air light or water , id think, should decay.
so, we have such factual fossil records to prove these animals have changed.
we humans must be very new on the scene, since there are so few examples of humans evolving from something else.
I wont be around, but, women need to evolve to have eyes in the back of their heads,more strength , and an extra set of arms and hands.
and as for the polar bear, re-evolving to swim in the ocean, see, that's what I don't understand, things cannot now 'evolve' fast enough before they become extinct, to survive the rapid change of environment. a polar bear population will die off before they change to grow gills or have better coats, to live in water longer, since the ice is melting and their food source is changing. I doubt that people will evolve to survive the toxic planet that man has made. nor will animals. were due for a sixth mass extinction, then what?
The slow trickle has become a steady stream!
by freddo inin the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!
if my mom knew, she would justify that by saying that its another 'cleansing' lol
I think there might be someone up there in new york, deliberately making such ridiculous videos and articles in order to make the org fall flat. hmm.
I really cant figure out how anyone with a brain can listen or read that nonsense and still sit at a meeting without wearing out their eyes from eye rolls, or being literally appalled .
I stopped going to the night meetings first, and many times I just got up and left after the talk, couldn't handle the watchtower anymore, then the talks were lame, and lacking any value at all,
then I left for good. [no friends there for me to miss]
poor simon, hes got chart duty, lol, might take him a while.
we all want to know how many new people are coming on. -
Jehovah's Witnesses' Brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million
by OrphanCrow injehovah's witnesses' brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million.
downtown brooklyn partnership ups its pressure on the tax-exempt organization to donate $50 million.
the jehovah’s witnesses have been exempted from paying at least $368 million in taxes on their brooklyn real estate holdings over the last 12 years, according to an analysis by the downtown brooklyn partnership and consulting firm bjh advisers.
hey, what if the old teaching, that when the govt 'turns' on all the religions and goes after them for the tax money, then religious organizations will all collapse, [and they will deny they belong to a religion] comes true? then the Jw org will look like they were right,lol .
its interesting that so many institutions that claim non profit can get away with no paying taxes.
Manufacturing Consent
by StarTrekAngel ini have been pondering over the wt study last sunday.
the title, when i first read it, told me that i was going to hear a lot of the same crap i had to put up with during the 2014 international convention.
while some of it was there, the subliminal message given on the magazine was far from what the title implied to me.
my mom used to always tell me, when door to door stops, the end will come.
well, I now wonder how she will twist this little curve to fit her philosophy.
maybe its their attempt to justify their bumbling on line and now public presence .
i recall watching that documentary a long time ago.
thing is, I don't know how any organization or cult, gains members by taking away their freedom to think for themselves, to live life the way that makes them happy, by taking away any joy they may have, and replacing it with nothing of value, I ask, what does it offer, that is any different than an extremest view , that you must sacrifice your life and die to have 'eternal life', or virgins, or whatever. its no better than being a celibate monk that beats themselves with whips. I don't recall reading any such need for such sacrifice in the bible.
I told my mom many times, if its so great, and everyone is so happy, people wouldn't be leaving.
its the hotel California, you sign in, but can never leave, lol.
sign out doesn't work for me until I totally shut my computer off. odd. its possible that its a browser issue,
but Im no computer whiz.
Reinstated and Still Shuned!
by new boy ini was at a wedding the summer before i left the jws and i met an old friend.
he had been reinstated for 6 months, he was dfed for 4 years.
so it took him 3 1/2 years before they would let him back in.
its true,
out of a million good things we do, They never forget the one 'wrong' thing we might have done.
even if we didn't do anything wrong, your looked down on for doing anything someone may feel was 'unnecessary'.
its written down someplace, I assure you.
hypocrites, they write a sickening article about hypocrisy and fail to apply it.
they sure have rafters in their eyes.
Witness Punk and Metal Band Names
by Luther bertrand inhere is what i would name my band(s) let see if you can list some funny ones as well.
here is my list:.
local needs.
Dying Souls
Ill logic
Caleb’s Screamers
Flat Out Liars
Systems No End
Korners Preachers