JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
They're now asking people to clean at Bethel?
by onightdivine ini heard from a "friend" that a letter was read aloud during the midweek meeting asking people to volunteer to do cleaning work in bethel.
i really can't think of anything else to say if this is true.. they get more free labor, and they still ask for more more more money!!
Im the Queen of Clean, so, whats it pay? lol -
Your Favorite Poetry
by compound complex inthank you, dear friends, for expressing your thoughts today on the importance of the arts in your lives.
many years ago, a number of threads were devoted to poetry, literature, even english grammar.
rather than resurrect an old thread -- usually with zero results -- i would like to introduce a new post, asking you to add some of your favorite verse.
how about this one?......
All of us have questions
that have no answers
and memories that hurt.
An unknown future.
A past that haunts.
Lost time
Lost love
Lost friends
Lost chances
Mistakes we cannot fix.
Things we need are out of reach.
We're tired and cant find Home.
We put on a shell, put up a wall,
to protect our heart.
It hurts too much to dwell
It drains our energy to grieve.
We need to go on living...
Behind every face is a mind full of stories,
hurts and joys and trials.
The world is always changing.
The greatest gift a god could give,
Other than life itself,
Would be the Ability,
to go back and change the past.
Fix mistakes, and take those chances,
To make the future brighter.
But one Gift we already have
is the Gift of choice.
We can choose to turn away from the
negative, and seek with determination
The positive.
Take with us knowledge.
Keep the flame in our heart lit.
We must present to others as much
of the Gift of joy as we can
Even if it be for a little while.
For it is life's water .
For every one we meet,
A sunny smile is sometimes
All we may have to give.
And hope our sunny smile will help
The Garden Of Life grow .written
me. -
how do most of you now feel about the military?
by sowhatnow inwas not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
you said: BTW - If your are a MAM, get off your ass, if you can't do basic pt and run 2 miles you are going to be useless and special "A-2" fertilizer.
I dont know what a MAM is, or a pt, but whatever it is, no, I cant run 500 ft without probably falling over, lol, id probably have a heart attack.
Im going on 54 yrs old I was a career housewife for 34yrs, Im not an Olympic athlete . Im now divorced and living alone working and using every ounce of energy I have to pay the rent, when you have little help, its much harder.
so I guess when the law ? comes to round up all the people who aren't doing whatever,? Ill be taken along with the millions? of other 'useless' people?. to be put in all these secret camps that are supposedly being built to house people for whatever reason?
but like some people , Im not about to also become so fearful that I start carrying a gun around, and make plans to hide out in the forest. this is the same mentality that Jw's have come to have, an us and them mentality.
if someone wants you dead bad enough, they'll find a way.
has anyone ever watch 'the corporation'? how about zeitgeist? well what do we make of all that? yes weak sick sheeple so many of us have all become, victims of the medical system, the addictive food system, the toxins and to what end for so few elite that will also die of old age , i have no idea,lol
but wow how much longer we do live, and how many more opportunities we have if we are lucky enough to have a leg up. so there is good and bad, and we all live only so long to do anything anyway, so why worry of we don't have to.
From my personal limited research, most wars were not started the way history books portray them. There is always a hidden selfish agenda behind a war. In my opinion, there is no way a government who has something at stake, would sit by and take so long to act when there is huge amount of people being killed, from either bombing or ethnic cleansing, or religious fighting. the UN and govts often sit on their hands, tiptoe around, do little , they give speeches in the news they analyze for months to pacify the curiosity of the masses. When they really want something done they do it. now however globalization complicates things to the 1000th degree, its often beyond any single governments reach to act and not unfortunately have casualties. ignorance and misinformation is the key to such error in thinking, which is why someday, if all the world is on line, perhaps, people will act more slowly, having more info at their fingertips. education is key to survival. Then I wonder if the reason why the US is so far behind in education, dumbing down our educational requirements, is why our people are falling behind and becoming more paranoid and anti government they are kept ignorant.
Thats why I read magazines like Foreign Affairs, pacific standard, the Atlantic, and alternet and politico, and listen to NPR. I try to have a rounded understanding of just how complicated things are and try not to get upset like some of my elderly family do, lol
sure things are complicated when your dealing with many different cultures and mindsets, bored lost, unemployed, lonely , sex deprived, brainwashed young extremists from every walk of life, all convinced that someone is their enemy.
But as everyone knows, when you try to do too much, you fall apart. focus on your own family first, and then the whole family as a unit, can help someone else.
when one mother [country] tries to have too many kids, [political/ commercial affairs] and is spread so thin, its her own children who in the end suffer from neglect.
When your a parent and you enable unwanted behavior, without offering information, education, and an insisting on a sensible solution, it just gets worse if you dont pull out and force the adult child to survive on its own. we all have to push the bird out of the nest so to speak.
The term homeless vet should be something that was never spoken. all the unemployment surely can be surely be helped if those darn government agencies would stop sitting on their hands, and hire more people to process info,avoid improper use of funds, and fix the ancient computer system, which some very smart high school nerds can probably do, lol, and get those deserving vets their benefits they were promised, we wouldn't have homeless vets, and families. instead of waiting on a 'list' to be put in public housing there are thousands upon thousands of vacant properties sitting in limbo , for no other reason than a backlog of paperwork, that any homeless vet and his family, could certainly be placed in immediately.
Every one here has made an observation that has truth to it. that's what makes the world go around. we cant all have it one way, the Ferris wheel of life would cease to move.
yes soldiers go to war, or on a peace keeping mission, their intention is honorable, they truly believe they are helping people, and many times they truly are. That's why so many villagers love the US soldiers, they look at them as protectors. But sadly, some end up coming home with life changing injuries, only to be told they have no income, loose their homes and often families cannot mentally cope, because those soldiers are so mentally damaged. the term debriefing, is a telling one.
And so time goes by waiting for people to do the best they can with what knowledge they have.
Who am I? - How to find the well lived life after undue influence
by Luther bertrand ini was added fairly recently to the aawa network (thank you richard e. kelly ) and have been a lurker/fader for many years.
the ex-jw community, from a far, has offered me so many ways to help go through my own thinking while awakening and working through my own crisis of conscience.
however, i do have a critique of our community.
wow, took the free test you had link to, and as an entj, i saw those career choices to be in my opinion, mostly male dominated industries, lol.
math and science was never my strong point, so how on earth id ever understand any of those careers is beyond me.
well no matter, at my age that ship has sailed.I have never taken any of these personality type tests and came out with a solid answer, Im always border-lining on one of three. my answers depend on a situation, not simply guessing how Id react IF.
who am I?
I might never know, no more time left for me to have a career.
Im 53,[ not 33] living day to day to survive, i have no way to explore what 'could have been'
and so far, there is no one to find me, and know me, and show me.
so what now? lol
how do most of you now feel about the military?
by sowhatnow inwas not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
was not sure where to post this, but I was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military? would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field? would you have?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
do you think its practical for women to be in the same troop/ camp/ as men?
for me personally, I guess Id still not like my sons [never my daughters] to go into military, considering the way the US seems to neglect is soldiers when they come home. I think most people that go into it, are forever changed, mostly to the negative. the whole idea that we must 'toughen' up , makes me wonder just how far we haven't come in time, lol.
so many unfortunate cultures and mindsets, that are still fighting and blowing shit up.
women , particularly women with children, in my opinion, have no business,for one thing, being with men, considering the facts about women in the military being raped and abused. they also should not be in active ground duty, to get seriously handicapped, shot or killed. And, if they have children, how dare they emotionally damage those poor kids, and make them insecure and fearful, all because of a desire to prove women can do what they want. what are they trying to prove? i could never do that to my kids.
so, how do you feel? -
wow what a good week
by pepperheart inwhat a good week over 101 teaching books taken from the trolleys this week and put in the trash i might even be getting to all the 10 year old teaching books that they have on the trolleys hee hee
oh c'mon, your supposed to use those for fireplace kindling ,lol -
My First Bad Strawberry Festival Day-3/3/13
by Loi_241 ini wish that it was not my day.
oh, god.
why was that happen?
lol, well there you go, not everyone looks at the same situation the same way, maybe she did not understand what to do.
what state was the festival in? a few years ago, i went to the florida strawberry festival close to lakeland florida.
it was hot hot hot that day. wish it wasnt so hot, id have liked to have been able to stay longer.
Are You No Longer Interested in the Arts?
by compound complex ingreetings, new friends and old:.
i've been here some nine years now and have learned a lot.
made many dear friends.
Maybe some of us aren't aware that we can talk about other things, and get a response,lol .
well, there you go, done4good, we both like photography, and poetry and music.
[ Id guess some of my music isn't in your library,, lol.]
Id guess there is so much weirdness is going on in the org, its like everyday someone has a new story to tell.
so Ill give it a go.
maybe someone needs to pick a subject, and see what happens? Is photography an art or a hobby or both?
Lets say for example Id make a post about my photography hobby, and provide a link to some of my best photos at, would anyone care to view them? [who has the time]
I will drive a mile to find a high spot to take pics of a sunset, I will spend half an hour around a tree to get a good pic of a bird, or a squirrel. I go to the lake myself, and get photos of whatever the day brings me. my camera is my de stress buddy.
I enlarge my photos, and put them in frames and hang them in my place. I also give them as gifts. someday Id like to make a children's book or greeting cards
using my few little creative poems and my large collection of nature photos.
I just wish I had someplace else to get pictures other than the area around me.
Apparently, I have an unusual taste in music. I know no one who listens to what I do.
if I provided links to some songs, would anyone listen to them or recognize, the artists and say, ‘hey, I like those too!‘ I doubt it. Im an outlier.
Ok, so like everyone, been to Carnegie art museum, and all the other fine ‘artsy and museumy’ establishments in the Pittsburgh pa area. but not the andy worhol exhibit, thats not my thing. my daughter and I cleaned for an artist who won some sort of big award, she was very good.
next weekend Im going to the international car show.
I did try to post some humor, but no one must have thought it was funny, no one had any comments to add.
I guess then we’d maybe, find someone else that might have something in common with us, other than a former traumatic belief system, lol
or, how about this as a post,
In another life, or if you had it to do all over, what would you have liked to have done?
Id have loved to create and direct my own ice skating show, using my own music choices and costume ideas.
Id also love to design my own house, car, a housing plan, a school, shoes, and own my own clothing / bridal dress shop. gift and flower shop, and have a real-estate license , or sell cars.and yes i have read books...
ok, now, is this what you mean? lol.
well I tried... -
Evolution is a Fact #16 - Aquatic Mammals
by cofty inhaving spent at least 20 million years acquiring the machinery to survive on dry land and hundreds of millions more diversifying and exploiting every conceivable niche, a number of landlubbers made their way back to the sea.. among these were pond snails, water spiders, water beetles, crocodiles, otters, sea snakes, water shrews, galapagos flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, penguins and turtles.
of course the most impressive example of all are the whales and their little cousins the dolphins.
these have gone all the way back to an aquatic existence as have dugongs and their close cousins the manatees jointly known as the sirenians, they don’t even come ashore to breed.
I have always been fascinated by fossils, I could never understand the process that takes place that makes a bone, last for so long. especially when people dig up bones in their backyard, that aren't that deep, that are supposedly thousands of years old.
all things that exist on earth that are exposed to any amount of air light or water , id think, should decay.
so, we have such factual fossil records to prove these animals have changed.
we humans must be very new on the scene, since there are so few examples of humans evolving from something else.
I wont be around, but, women need to evolve to have eyes in the back of their heads,more strength , and an extra set of arms and hands.
and as for the polar bear, re-evolving to swim in the ocean, see, that's what I don't understand, things cannot now 'evolve' fast enough before they become extinct, to survive the rapid change of environment. a polar bear population will die off before they change to grow gills or have better coats, to live in water longer, since the ice is melting and their food source is changing. I doubt that people will evolve to survive the toxic planet that man has made. nor will animals. were due for a sixth mass extinction, then what?
The slow trickle has become a steady stream!
by freddo inin the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!
if my mom knew, she would justify that by saying that its another 'cleansing' lol
I think there might be someone up there in new york, deliberately making such ridiculous videos and articles in order to make the org fall flat. hmm.
I really cant figure out how anyone with a brain can listen or read that nonsense and still sit at a meeting without wearing out their eyes from eye rolls, or being literally appalled .
I stopped going to the night meetings first, and many times I just got up and left after the talk, couldn't handle the watchtower anymore, then the talks were lame, and lacking any value at all,
then I left for good. [no friends there for me to miss]
poor simon, hes got chart duty, lol, might take him a while.
we all want to know how many new people are coming on.