you said: BTW - If your are a MAM, get off your ass, if you can't do basic pt and
run 2 miles you are going to be useless and special "A-2" fertilizer.
I dont know what a MAM is, or a pt, but whatever it is, no, I cant run 500 ft without probably falling over, lol, id probably have a heart attack.
Im going on 54 yrs old I was a career housewife for 34yrs, Im not an Olympic athlete . Im now divorced and living alone working and using every ounce of energy I have to pay the rent, when you have little help, its much harder.
so I guess when the law ? comes to round up all the people who aren't doing whatever,? Ill be taken along with the millions? of other 'useless' people?. to be put in all these secret camps that are supposedly being built to house people for whatever reason?
but like some people , Im not about to also become so fearful that I start carrying a gun around, and make plans to hide out in the forest. this is the same mentality that Jw's have come to have, an us and them mentality.
if someone wants you dead bad enough, they'll find a way.
has anyone ever watch 'the corporation'? how about zeitgeist? well what do we make of all that? yes weak sick sheeple so many of us have all become, victims of the medical system, the addictive food system, the toxins and to what end for so few elite that will also die of old age , i have no idea,lol
but wow how much longer we do live, and how many more opportunities we have if we are lucky enough to have a leg up. so there is good and bad, and we all live only so long to do anything anyway, so why worry of we don't have to.
From my personal limited research, most wars were not started the way history books portray them. There is always a hidden selfish agenda behind a war. In my opinion, there is no way a government who has something at stake, would sit by and take so long to act when there is huge amount of people being killed, from either bombing or ethnic cleansing, or religious fighting. the UN and govts often sit on their hands, tiptoe around, do little , they give speeches in the news they analyze for months to pacify the curiosity of the masses. When they really want something done they do it. now however globalization complicates things to the 1000th degree, its often beyond any single governments reach to act and not unfortunately have casualties. ignorance and misinformation is the key to such error in thinking, which is why someday, if all the world is on line, perhaps, people will act more slowly, having more info at their fingertips. education is key to survival. Then I wonder if the reason why the US is so far behind in education, dumbing down our educational requirements, is why our people are falling behind and becoming more paranoid and anti government they are kept ignorant.
Thats why I read magazines like Foreign Affairs, pacific standard, the Atlantic, and alternet and politico, and listen to NPR. I try to have a rounded understanding of just how complicated things are and try not to get upset like some of my elderly family do, lol
sure things are complicated when your dealing with many different cultures and mindsets, bored lost, unemployed, lonely , sex deprived, brainwashed young extremists from every walk of life, all convinced that someone is their enemy.
But as everyone knows, when you try to do too much, you fall apart. focus on your own family first, and then the whole family as a unit, can help someone else.
when one mother [country] tries to have too many kids, [political/ commercial affairs] and is spread so thin, its her own children who in the end suffer from neglect.
When your a parent and you enable unwanted behavior, without offering information, education, and an insisting on a sensible solution, it just gets worse if you dont pull out and force the adult child to survive on its own. we all have to push the bird out of the nest so to speak.
The term homeless vet should be something that was never spoken. all the unemployment surely can be surely be helped if those darn government agencies would stop sitting on their hands, and hire more people to process info,avoid improper use of funds, and fix the ancient computer system, which some very smart high school nerds can probably do, lol, and get those deserving vets their benefits they were promised, we wouldn't have homeless vets, and families. instead of waiting on a 'list' to be put in public housing there are thousands upon thousands of vacant properties sitting in limbo , for no other reason than a backlog of paperwork, that any homeless vet and his family, could certainly be placed in immediately.
Every one here has made an observation that has truth to it. that's what makes the world go around. we cant all have it one way, the Ferris wheel of life would cease to move.
yes soldiers go to war, or on a peace keeping mission, their intention is honorable, they truly believe they are helping people, and many times they truly are. That's why so many villagers love the US soldiers, they look at them as protectors. But sadly, some end up coming home with life changing injuries, only to be told they have no income, loose their homes and often families cannot mentally cope, because those soldiers are so mentally damaged. the term debriefing, is a telling one.
And so time goes by waiting for people to do the best they can with what knowledge they have.