hmm, so with what little energy she had, her parents convinced her to pioneer? where did she have time and energy for that, plus being in the hospital so often?
Id never expect a sick child to waste her valuable energy going door to door, no one is expected to do that. you dont need to score brownie points with god.
those must be older photos, its nice that she looks pretty normal in them and everyone is smiling. sick kids to me would look pale, thin and tired, and as I parent Id be an emotional tired mess all the time in no mood for photos and interviews.
the parents must have not been warned how much a flight home would cost for her if they were unsuccessful.
no mention at all about how often the blood issue must have come up.
I cannot believe it cost that much for her to go home. thats ridiculous.
I also cant believe that no place closer to her home, were heart specialists that could help her.
im assuming she was at the Cleveland clinic?
she had to travel sick, [ to one of the most unsafe ghetto cities in the US,] for treatment . wow. just sad.