the show was lacking info,
like, what was the true motive? not just so he can remarry, I think that was a lame lie.
what was up with the first wife?why did he decide he did not want her, did not the second wife know about the first wife just disapearing? What posessed her to leave her husband and go off with this guy .
why were they both not DF? they both should have been, so then why not just leave the wife again.
if he wanted a life of a playboy, why be a jw?
if he had half a brain, hed have sooner been disfellowshipped for adultry and not go to jail.
Ive known people to have been DF and got remarried and then was reinstated more than twice mind you.... its worth it to some to get out of a bad marraige.
the show left me wondering why all the lies, hes so could have simply told the cops his original story, that he was hit from behind, and never seen anyone and was unconscius. and who hit him? how did he get those injuries? self inflicted? good gravy what a thing to do just to get out of a reationship.
ad no one knows what happened to the first wife? unsolved mystery?
yea, lots missing here.