JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Im wondering...maybe the GB are truly mentally damaged, not just deceivers.
by sowhatnow inhas anyone by chance read the latest issue of pshychology today?
april issue, article title' moment of impact'.. i havent fiished reading it yet, but it got me thinking, how likely is it that many born in jws [ teens in particular since thats the age these issues start to appear] will end up with these problems mentioned in the article?
i know of a few adults that have this problem, schizophrenia, bi polar, ect.
well my topic wasnt actuallly about them only, i was asking about in general the likelyhood of many youg people being mentally damaged, has anyone actually read my post? -
Home made circuit assembly programs
by hoser inprinted off the website i presume and hand cut with scissors.
i was handed one at the circuit assembly by one of the attendants.
what, they arent on everyones tablet at the jw site? why print at all. -
Live in the U.S.? Tune into Dateline Friday evening, April 15th, to see a report about the Colorado Candelario murder trial (he's a JW).
by AndersonsInfo inralph and pam candelario were active jws in colorado.
ralph murdered pam.
professor jim penton was invited to appear at the trial last month by the prosecution as an expert witness to answer questions about jws.
old hip,
yes, if they did not say what religion they were it wouldnt have been any more or less interesting.
Im wondering...maybe the GB are truly mentally damaged, not just deceivers.
by sowhatnow inhas anyone by chance read the latest issue of pshychology today?
april issue, article title' moment of impact'.. i havent fiished reading it yet, but it got me thinking, how likely is it that many born in jws [ teens in particular since thats the age these issues start to appear] will end up with these problems mentioned in the article?
i know of a few adults that have this problem, schizophrenia, bi polar, ect.
Has anyone by chance read the latest issue of pshychology today? april issue, article title' moment of impact'.
I havent fiished reading it yet, but it got me thinking, how likely is it that many born in jws [ teens in particular since thats the age these issues start to appear] will end up with these problems mentioned in the article? I know of a few adults that have this problem, schizophrenia, bi polar, ect.[ i know of two persons in the past who commit suicide, attempted suicide, were in mental institutions a dozen times, or were deeply depressed so much so they became hermits. all jws.]
now Id imagine, that no jw is going to submit thier kids to a phychiatric evaluation, becasue it will become clear that the teachngs are what drives the bigger problem. a person cannot be rehabilitated from mental issues if you continue to feed them brain poision of the twisted teachngs of the wt. they are lost causes in that aspect.
the article mentions that teens face an intense developmental challenge, on the way to becoming adults. oh we can all relate to that.
but, why is it, that so many adults, who experienced this same troubling teen time, seem to forget what it was like? I cant understand why so many adults, expect teens to have answers to why they do things.
dont they remember what it was like to be a teen? I do. id never want to relive it.
so how on earth can anyone justify disfellowshipping or even teaching children such biased and unkind out of the norm teachings and expect to turn out mentally stable?
as for narcissism, it actually ends up a mental dissorder of sorts.
how cruel is it for a religius organization, to expect children to get baptised and make adult decesions based on unimportant tales of the bible, and religious beliefs that restrict normal human needs and desires?
the mind damaging teachings of cults, not only contribute to mental illness, but almost could ensure that it will happen.
Id like to know who can escape the eventual stress overload from expectations of parents, schools, mates, and the the mulititude of confusing media information availiable on the web, in the workplace, at religious centers, and from piers, availiable today.
were these conditions as common decades ago when there was not so much information availiable?
and what role does the immediate family of such a person play? is it possible, that the only reason someone ends up with a mental disorder is due to the mental abuse and neglect from the parents and family? your social environment forms much of your thinking. [ ex if your raised in a home where its the norm for your parents to have filth all through the house, or openly smoke, or drink, you will more likely live the same way. thats your normal ]
its all quite interesting, the WT claims some are possibly mentaly unstable simply because they dont know if they are one of the 144thou, but, um, you think we all havent been traumatized? arent we all on here partly because unless you were a jw you cant wrap your head around what were gong through , and we are seeking some sort of support to help us feel normal again?
are any of you aware of those who are obviously struggling with bi polar or schizophrenia symptoms? do you think its a slient epidemic among cults?
Live in the U.S.? Tune into Dateline Friday evening, April 15th, to see a report about the Colorado Candelario murder trial (he's a JW).
by AndersonsInfo inralph and pam candelario were active jws in colorado.
ralph murdered pam.
professor jim penton was invited to appear at the trial last month by the prosecution as an expert witness to answer questions about jws.
the show was lacking info,
like, what was the true motive? not just so he can remarry, I think that was a lame lie.
what was up with the first wife?why did he decide he did not want her, did not the second wife know about the first wife just disapearing? What posessed her to leave her husband and go off with this guy .
why were they both not DF? they both should have been, so then why not just leave the wife again.
if he wanted a life of a playboy, why be a jw?
if he had half a brain, hed have sooner been disfellowshipped for adultry and not go to jail.
Ive known people to have been DF and got remarried and then was reinstated more than twice mind you.... its worth it to some to get out of a bad marraige.
the show left me wondering why all the lies, hes so could have simply told the cops his original story, that he was hit from behind, and never seen anyone and was unconscius. and who hit him? how did he get those injuries? self inflicted? good gravy what a thing to do just to get out of a reationship.
ad no one knows what happened to the first wife? unsolved mystery?
yea, lots missing here.
The real reason Chelmsford hasn't been stopped
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini haven't seen this mentioned yet.
last year in the uk, shortly after the money grab that everyone had, we had a video and letter (both probably still available from atlantis) appealing for money for the new bethel and slips were handed out etc.
this means that most uk congregations are sending a regular donation specifically for the chelmsford build.
hmm ,
yea, what are they preparing for? storing up treasures on earth are they? organic fruit trees water supply, housing, underground storage, for probably supplies, live in a paradise..... putting hopes in themselves to save them?
who now is going to live there? who are the 'lucky' [?] ones who get to stay there? will all 8 million jws have a compound to 'hide' on,lol or is this for the 144,000? doesnt the bible say no one can hide, and god will save the righteous ones? so yea whats the real secret.
why dont someone put a bug in the ear of Alex Jones, maybe he can
The Elders of the congregations make for the worst possible "shepards".
by Dunedain inthe main goal of a shepard, is to keep the flock as safe as possible.
the loss of just a single sheep, could be devastating to a flock, and a shepards financial well being.
every sheep is valuable, from a monetary stanpoint, and future strength of the flock.
just my opinion here, but
what the society expects men to do, is something by nature men are not equipped for. this is not an insult, its just a simple observation.
women by far are more the emotionaly caretaker support syetem and like to talk, figure things out and are social by nature. which is why when men dont 'talk', women go nuts assuming things,lol
men, not so much, men are more logical, and have a single purpose in mind and would prefer not to multi task. men are excelent in finding a solution to a single problem, like, say, when they see that the numbers are short on the days register totals, they go after the mistake. one project, done. all is well. and move on to the next project.
so a man can be assigned to take care of one thing and do it well, not take care of a whole sh@# load of assignments with unpredicatable outcomes because there are 20 or 30 different people[ half of them female and children] involved. and then do it with two or three other guys who have a different viewpoint but cant openly express it for fear of being scolded by the higher ups.
I have always been sympathetic to elders, the WT steals thier time, and identity and thier peace of mind. turns them into machines, they have to ignore thier emotions and conscience and logic to get the 'job' done.
they got the wrong sex assigned to a job thats probably got the wrong title, lol
I was disfellowshipped because of Satan
by elbib induring co visit, i took him for a bible study i was conducting.
during the session, the householder said he believed satan was not a person, but personification of evil within us.
i left co to handle householder’s doubt.
yea, i can see why there was no comment, from the C.O. lol, but apparently they were not trained enough for that very puropse of disputing what can be said is 'logic'
and hey thanks for posting that list of scriptures, a morning bible lesson, lol.
I so plan to use those if i must, my mom thinks I m crazy to not belive in satan. well, I told her, if she thinks satan has got me, then why all the years when jeho'no was supposed to be watching my back, he failed me? that means he lets satan win? he let me be misled by providing no diversion ,[ which for an almighty god should have been pretty easy] dispite my prayers to be helped?
then she changes the subject.... lol
What Are the Top JW Issues That Just Burn Your Buns the Most?
by Wild_Thing inwhich ones make you the maddest?
covering up of abuse, shunning, failed end of world predictions?.
my list is long and heavy, but the top 3 that set me off the most are:.
double talk, hypocrisy. in denial. -
Excellent Conversation At Literature Trolley
by cofty inyesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
excellent discussion,
but feel bad for bursting their bubble. they must go home so deflated and anxious.
your the the un -witness lol ' saving people from the WT mind prison , one at at a time! '
you need a cape and a side kick, lol