we always have tribulation. the great tribulation was , in mu opinion, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70.
when this happened, so much history was burned to the ground that we may never know what really happened.
all scriptures were written after the fact [and surely written so that all things seemed to fit in line with a claimed prophecy.]
now Nostradamus could be considered a prophet of sorts as well, if someone can use his writings to claim they fit the 9/11 situation, then how talented were those early writers of fiction?
the Great tribulation had to have happened in those days, because THEY were being told to be aware. I have simply found not one scripture that tells us that there is a second third or fourth application of a future re-fulfillment . where does it say in the bible ...
'and many thousands of years from today, I truly tell you ,that man must keep ready, for the same shall pass over them'