Gagging noise.....
omg, that whole story just was so stupid, yea right, ill get my dad drunk [and myself near death drunk] and have sex with him, [where did they get wine?]
EW on more than ten levels ! Id sooner have sex with my sister.
and gee who recorded that story. what was the purpose??? really did we need to know THOSE details, but not any more of the 'wonderful things' Jesus did because there wasn't enough room for it? lol
HOW LONG were they alone that they couldn't wait to get back to the city or town to meet other people?
did they die in the wilderness? lol, so then who knew what happened.
and God was ok with this because you know he couldn't POSSIBLY make sure they got back to people soon enough.
what I never understood is WHAT do all these foolish bible stories do for anyone as far as spirituality and knowing who our savior is?