its sickening the things people dont know about
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
100 Years Ago, 1.5 Million Christian Armenians Were Systematically Killed. Today, It's Still Not A 'Genocide'
by fulltimestudent inwhatever the reasons, whatever the excuses, whatever the denials - its still a tragedy:.
100 years ago, 1.5 million christian armenians were systematically killed.
today, it's still not a 'genocide'.
Question for people who believe in Evolution
by ttte36 inthough school i did religious education and my teacher who was religious ruled out evolution because humans are the only creatures who do not want to die, can anyone who understands evolution explain this?.
im 99% on to the theory of evolution, this is just the last stumbling block..
Im with you on that .
but also, someone can explain to me why there is matter floating around in space to be a big bang to begin with, where did it come from? lol,
ive already come to the conclusion that genesis is just stupid,
but there is still something to be said about where all things started.
man may never know.that said we better eat drink and be merry.
oh, wait, sorry , in our 'spare time' after slaving for the almighty dollar...
Phone call from a brother last night
by label licker inthe brother and his wife thought the statement at the end of this month's broad cast show was a little off.
the org stated that jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted.
(needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall) he's never heard that before so we filled him in as to what the org has been up to and gave him jwnet, jw facts as well as jw survey to look at.
is anyone secretly recording these at the meetings? id love to have heard that
Phone call from a brother last night
by label licker inthe brother and his wife thought the statement at the end of this month's broad cast show was a little off.
the org stated that jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted.
(needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall) he's never heard that before so we filled him in as to what the org has been up to and gave him jwnet, jw facts as well as jw survey to look at.
a little off? lol
I wonder if there was any swirling memorizing colors on the screen as well?
[maybe a little quiet chanting in the background? lol ]
God is unsearchable and cant be found ?!? oh no! lol
that came out of someones mouth?
wow! a blatant lie right there!
gee I wonder if cedars is on to that, new
that is contrary to what the bible says, even their twisted paperweight.
well doesn't the bible say, people will have their ears tickled and they will be blinded?
who cant see this is obvious lies?
When doers Babylon the Great Fall? :)
by The Searcher intake your pick!!.
kj chap.
15 p. 286 par.
not to worry, it fell.
Jesus warned his apostles back then THEY would see all this happen. [he told them to flee to judea or else.]
the 'great' tribulation already happened. they went through it. so says the letters to the 7 congs.
read this its amazing.
Jesus is ruling, he told them they would see him in his kingdom.
the kingdom is in us if we wish it to be.
the battle AT Armageddon happened already too. thank the Lord. lol
paradise is in heaven, so says the bible many times.
paul said it was in Corinthians when was in the third heaven where paradise is . and Jesus is there in heaven. where he told the guy next to him he would be going that 'day' after they died. [ although, jesus did not go directly to heaven, he went to preach to the demons in the prisons first why, who knows ,lol]
no one has yet to show me where a scripture indicates there is anymore than one fulfillment of any said prophesy. prophesy is for the listener at the time. where also is any scripture that
says anyone lived through 'an' 'Armageddon'[which is a place not an event] people lived though tribulation.
Worst Bible Verse ... EVER
by Wild_Thing infrom the nwt, of course.
none of the other versions make it sound any better, either.
2 timothy, chapter 2 has been used and abused to suppress women everywhere.
I pointed that out to my mom once, and asked her if thats to be part of the God given rules why are we not today observing it? she gave a lame answer, and i told her its becasue men back then viewed women as second class citizens, then she went off about all the 'good women' one who has a bible book names after her.
I said so then we can have our own view on whats proper to observe now ? so then why do we need the bible to tell us whats good and bad?
she changed the
it is held by bible scholars researchers and the like,
[in which were quoted from in several books i have read about bible writings by bart ehrman and others]
that those were added in later by someone copying or translating. its all ancient man made rules.
doesn't it seem odd that all of the sudden that off topic statement just inserts itself there? I always thought so.
its the best place the jerk could place it. paul did not write many of those anyway, nor did Matthew mark Luke or john write theirs.
I also found a scripture repeated on the following chapter, lol,
[cant recall which one right off hand] but i know which place it did belong, made no sense where it was the first time. lol.
id say it depends on how popular you are, lol.
no one notices that i haven't been there for a year.[well maybe a few 'regular' people]
no one called me out on my lack of service activity for 5 years.
as long as you are there with a happy face, comment once, and give them something to write down on their paperwork for your service time someone can slink along till they die on minimum activity.
if someone i bumped into said oh i did not see you at meeting, I assure them I listened in.
wore that one out.
maybe if they stopped keeping records of everything and acted like a normal church they would have more members lol
Elders' Authority - Flock Book
by berrygerry inthe biggest surprise in the flock book was the hiding-for 3-years serious sin absolution provision for elders (if with "jehovah's evident blessing").. the second is the remark regarding an inactive person, and the situation:.
"is the person willing to meet with a committee, thus admitting accountability to the christian congregation?".
now, the bible says: i want you to know that the head of every man is the christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the christ is god.
and inactive person is only inactive because the elders did not have the time to follow everyone around like a lost puppy. if and when someone finally gets around to me, I will ask them where they were when I needed help? and what good came from all my loyal years going to the hall? where are all my good close friends?
Im no worse off now than before. they will only have excuses not answers .
there is the key blondie, in the case of an ISRAELITE WOMAN Gods law through MOSES.
none of which is in effect for any of us and In my opinion has no purpose in my life and i cannot be bound by rules from an ancient civilization.
if an elder can hide sin for 'three' years, who knows when the 'three years' started? lol
people hide sin all the time. were sinners we cant help it, that's why we have UNDESERVED KINDNESS.
and its not for men to judge. thats my story, and Im going to stick with it. lol
Protect governing body with your life
by Zoos inthere was a quote in the literature some years back about protecting the governing body from secular authorities and insinuated that we should do whatever it took to insure their safety.. i seem to remember it was something about refusing to help the authorities locate the governing body.
i may be off track here.
if this is familiar to you could you please help me find the quote?.
id say that's probably not in any written form, at least in my generation,lol
but it wouldn't surprise me if someone said something to that effect in a talk at one point.
In a talk given by a c.o or d.o years ago, he said 'its ok to tell a little lie to save our brothers and sisters if it means their life'
after he described how a group of jws were hiding from authorities and the householders lied and said they did not see them.
I did a double take, because if that was the mindset EVER, then all those who perished previously, would be alive if someone lied to protect them. [and then why couldn't someone lie and not let anyone know they took a blood transfusion? after all, its a life . who is going to know but you and your doctor?]
its then I knew something was seriously wrong.
i have to wonder who else sitting there got the same lighting bolt,lol
Old Witnessy Pics
by snugglebunny inso what have you got?.
i'll start.. 1958 aboard steamship arosa star, english and german jw's bound for new york for 8 day assembly at yankee stadium.. .
mine wont upload, waited ten minuets. how did you upload yours?