Id assume the majority of those listening to it wont catch it, [or much of anything] wont remember much of what was said, and never talk about it or repeat it. i can see my parents siting there clueless was to what is being said. the glitz and the glam distract them, they are just so tickled they have 'their' own channel they cant think strait. ooo how amazing, got to keep up with the times, lol, like they always have? oo how cute cartoons... [barf] and I say to my mom, its nothing less than tv evangelism. she cant see it.
the easy way to 'accept' the nonsense spewing forth from the tv is to not have enough thinking ability to see through it children are clueless the elderly are clueless, and the others in between are to bust and stressed to care.
it doesn't sink in anyway. you sit there listen and pretend you know whats being said, while having not a damn clue what any of it has to do with Jesus teachings