Tho I have no advanced education , I always remember how my mom would react when she found out someone was 'a dentist, a teacher, a nurse, an accountant, ect. She would be so impressed, and say to me, oh, did you know, so n so is a [whatever] like they were some special breed of jw, lol, she was so impressed, and there were others like that Im sure, the mention the persons profession, in conversation, as if to brag,lol, but at the same time, there were those who would say, 'oh those who go to college, they fall out of the truth, so we dont recommend going to a 4 yr college, if you must, get a quick associates degree on line. Then there were those who spoke very negatively, saying things like, 'oh they think they are so special, well its nice they have money to send their kids to school'
There is a lot of suggestion where I live, to go to a trade school. I recall a D. O. at a two day assembly, actually poked fun at people who went to college and took advertising, culinary arts, business management, and music, during his talk. like you were gay or something,lol I thought what an ass.
Then Id find out somehow just how many people go at least for their associates, [must be in secret,lol] and Im surprised, because these people that would do that, you would never guess they were for it!
So In a large way, there was a mixed message for me growing up , because though my mom acted like people with 'titles' were awesome, lol, at the same time if someone went to college and left shed call them weak and apostate,lol.