JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Anthony Morris Says The Governing Body Is Not Dogmatic, But Simply Must Be Obeyed If You Want Jehovah's Blessing
by Brokeback Watchtower inwarning lots of compartmentalization going on, with huge leaps in logic and a whole lot of just beleive me because i say so..
if you need to fall asleep, fast, just put on the old roku, and put on this man.... zzzzzzzzzzz -
The really cool feeling of community within JWs
by Phaedra ini remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
tsk tsk,
are you being patronizing to the Queen of Clean DJS? lol
off with his head!
Adult Homework and Extra Credit
by lovesjehovah init seems that once we became sensible adult humans, we lost our way.
we stopped asking questions.
we submitted to the bidding of the world.
along with all those good ideas,
If we cant eliminate money, lol,
Id like to see a 6 hour workday. same pay as 8.
think about it. how great it would be if people knew they only had to work 6 hours, you would go to work, with a better attitude, probably put in your all, knowing you get to go home in 6 hours. production I believe would be better. Right now, most people go to work dreading it, and try to do as little as possible.
they feel unappreciated, under paid and used. well, turn it around. 6 hours of good work for 8 hours of pay.
no more tired people, no more long lunch breaks just two shorter quick potty and drink breaks, lol,
more people would be employed as well. no more being too tired for your family, no more high unemployment. no more 'mandatory overtime' bull.
way less human error due to being tired. we can use less medical mistakes.
even kids would learn better, and can have more time at home, lessening the burden on the teachers and giving parents more valuable time with their kids.
and cheap available public transportation.
i cant believe how many people I know who cant afford a car because they dont have one to get to work to make money to have a car! I live in rural, there is no public transportation. no car, no job, no nothing. thats wrong. you live in the country, your screwed if you have no wheels. well, who buys the high school grad a car to get a job if your poor and live in the country? a lot of depressed lonely kids, and stressed parents who struggle taking their kids to work while trying to work themselves.
plus, eliminate waste.
people need people, not things, materialism in the US, is appalling. the waste is shocking.
the mentality is messed up, pay for bottled water when you have municipal water, pay for wrapping paper, to throw out... dumb.
I cant believe how little value people have for the things they work and pay money for.
and how cheap and trashy things are being made now. Its sickening.
Elders, oh my God what a bunch of losers!
by Crazyguy inok i don't mean to put all of them into just one box so to speak, their are some that are smart successful etc.
but my god most of them are just wasted space, ignorant, no drive, horrible jobs, make nothing for income and the only thing in life they have going for them is this title.
no wonder so many will not wake up and hold on to this stupid cult, it's all they have.
well, I dont know about your area, but it seems there is a need for elders in the areas I was familiar with,
which says to me, that there are men who are smart enough to not allow themselves to be sucked into sacrificing employment and family to slave for the org.
so there's hope, lol.
of the ones [elders] i was familiar with,
they were 'self employed' owners of businesses, were independently wealthy enough, or retired, and had a flexible schedule, lol. of course, they were in control of everything its a business.
lets not judge all those former elders now on the site as being jerks, lol, they left, that says something.
The really cool feeling of community within JWs
by Phaedra ini remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
I never felt any sense of belonging, i felt left out, prejudiced against ,patronized, and ignored. i jumped through hoops making efforts for my kids to have any little bit of association with the many others their age who had elders as fathers, to no avail. I just wasnt good enough. lol
I left nothing of value behind and not a single friend, that's for sure.
Norway, the happiest place on earth, supposedly. a sense of community. id like to experience that.
Governing Body Letter details things that "have never been done before." - Really?
by cappytan in[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
aint they special? lol
Why do girls have a hymen?
by JWchange inif you believe humans evolved, and were not created, why would having a hymen help, especially as no other mammal has one?
if you believe humans were created by {a} god, or intelligent beings with advanced technology, what was the reason for a hymen?
i'm interested to hear your thoughts on this unusual subject, not many people talk about..
lol, circumcision , was only done by a bunch of nut job jewish religious men, because apparently, having a special sort of tatoo or color clothing, or a long beard, that was visible to identify you as a jew was not enough,lol
because you know, when you need to prove you belong to a god, you have to pull down your pants.
[just like there are nut job people now who do it to innocent little girls who often bleed to death,so they do not want to have sex, and are maimed for lie, and still get away with it.]
sick alright.
Id say a hymen its just a film of skin over a space, lol, isnt there a film of skin over the eyes and nose of an embryo? they all break when needed ,lol.
I dont know, I cant fall for creation from god either, because, for one, IF a god who claimed to be perfect, created humans, then why oh why, would he place fragile arteries so close to the outside of the body, so we can get cut and bleed to death? or , why would our skin be so thin? or the arteries be so fragile?
seriously, why don't women have two extra eyes in the back of their head? and two extra arms? we need them ,lol
humans are to me, fragile. animals can kill us way easier if they want. a mosquito can bite us and give us a disease that kills us.
and, why make certain animals more powerful?
why make a gorilla so powerful, if all they eat is vegetation?
who is their enemy that they need to be so powerful? does another animal eat gorillas? lol
they can be fast, to get away, or crafty, to get away, but no, they are strong.
strong enough to kill a human and other animals if they want.
why create animals that need to eat other animals? why create mice to have so many offspring so often? and then roaches? whats up with that? they can survive just about anything, lol.
and so we can only have the elephant, have one baby every how many years?
where is the balance?
Cards Against Humanity
by Simon inwe bought this game for xmas because it looked funny and we like board / card games..
omg, it's freakin' hilarious!.
it turns out too that we're really bad people.
Ive played that game...
it can be quite a challenge when your playing with people half your age...
especially when you dont know half the slang, lol makes it more funny.
you cant let anything embarrass you...
Watchtower crackdown on anointed expansion - are they reaching for a solution to the expanding numbers problem?
by slimboyfat inif this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
i say all of us on the site, go to the next memorial, and partake, lol
be a good way to find each other,lol
Watchtower crackdown on anointed expansion - are they reaching for a solution to the expanding numbers problem?
by slimboyfat inif this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
so, the wt prints an article,
to make who aware , [the lay people or the ones who claim to be chosen?]
that which ones claiming to be anointed are crazy?
so then , anyone who partakes, will be looked at with a suspicious eye,
thus, causing distrust of the very person who claims to be chosen....
and then what?
I used to wonder why all the 'anointed' ones did not gather together at a local assembly hall and have a private celebration, after all wouldn't you want to know who else claims it? wouldnt you want to know who your 'heavenly brothers were?
Im not aware if those who partake, ever disclose that info to anyone else, that may partake, the only way, someone who partook, would know if someone else did , is if they were introduced to each other at some point, and the person brought it up. its not like they have some secret signal, lol