what do we see in these clouds?, lol how about a sword, a bird [or an angelfish] and an anchor. [and a spot on my lens]
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Demonic art in the watchtower?
by Lost and adrift indoes anybody remember a rumour or maybe it was a truth?
?...something about hidden pictures or symbols in the artwork of the watchtower.
was it one of those urban legends?
Demonic art in the watchtower?
by Lost and adrift indoes anybody remember a rumour or maybe it was a truth?
?...something about hidden pictures or symbols in the artwork of the watchtower.
was it one of those urban legends?
Ive seen many. older books have a lot, google it, theres websites that have the pics.
when i was younger, I noticed some things in the photos I thought were pretty odd. No artist worth his salt can draw so badly that a hand looks like a lobster claw when the other hands look ok, lol. [revelation book]
sometimes i think the artist did it for fun, to mess with people, lol, not really to be following any cult other than the one they were drawing for.
putting faces in skirts, and clouds, and skeletons in trees.. ah, fun fun. lol
Have we become what we despise so much?
by Tenacious inthe majority of members who tend to join this forum have been hurt possibly even traumatized sometimes to the point of wanting to end their lives.
upon joining the forum, new members are welcomed with open arms, welcome messages start pouring in, "likes" are freely given, a false sense of security is promoted where a member is free to speak his mind without having to worry about the wt gestapo.
again, similar to how potential converts are welcomed and "love bombed" upon entering a kh for the first time.
lol, perhaps old habits resurface,
I mean, Ive been honored by DJS, a few times,
'I am anointing you the Queen of Reactionary and the Goddess of Hysteria. You are the vice mayor of the twin villages Certitude and Platitude.
and labled...
'So you are also an End of Time nutjob, huh?'
but then in the end, so proud ,lol
You did research!! I am sooo proud of you.'and nathan natas and cappytan have joined him on occasion,,lol
I have my own fan club apparently,lol.
Now once again,
Again, the queen of clean, goes off to battle against the 'bacteria' that inhabit our world....
legal action to Baptism of minor annulled?
by cyberjesus inlet's imagine that a 10 year old gets baptized.
parents split and kid never goes back to the hall again.
15 years later kid celebrates christmas and gets df since some dub saw him celebrating.
Im my opinion no one younger than Jesus was at the time of his baptism, should be baptized. the WT always criticized child baptism, in the past, so when i heard of several very young grade school children getting baptized, I was sickened.
questions from the reader with a reference to a 1964 watchtower for further reading.
Under what circumstances might rebaptism be considered?
Under certain circumstances, a baptized person may want to give thought to the validity of his baptism and may consider rebaptism. At the time of baptism, for instance, an individual may secretly have been living in a situation or engaging in a practice that could have resulted in his being disfellowshipped if he had already been validly baptized. Could he make a dedication to God in such circumstances? Such an individual would have been in a position to make a valid dedication to Jehovah only if the unscriptural conduct had been discontinued. Therefore, a person baptized while such a serious impediment existed may appropriately consider the necessity of rebaptism.
What about an individual who was not practicing sin at the time of his baptism but whose subsequent wrongdoing required the formation of a judicial committee? Suppose he then claimed that he did not fully understand what he was doing at the time of his baptism and said that his baptism was not truly a valid one. When meeting with a wrongdoer, the elders should not raise questions about his baptism and ask whether he feels that his dedication and baptism were valid. After all, he heard a Scriptural discourse about the significance of baptism. He answered affirmatively questions regarding dedication and baptism. Then he changed his clothing and was physically immersed in water. It is, therefore, reasonable to believe that he fully understood the seriousness of what he was doing. The elders would thus treat him as a baptized person.
If the individual raises the issue of the validity of his baptism, the elders may direct his attention to The Watchtower of March 1, 1960, pages 159 and 160, and February 15, 1964, pages 123 to 126, where the matter of rebaptism is discussed in detail. Eventual rebaptism under certain circumstances (such as a lack of sufficient Bible understanding when one was baptized) is a personal matter.
The jw.org billions
by Gorbatchov in.
it is still strange, that an organization, lead by a group of old timers, is gaining billions at the moment, without giving any transparency and accountancy feedback, because these men "trust each other", and come away with that.. they got the property investment by the use of cohi associates, and deposit their liquid assets at the caymans.. it is clear: the real power behind the jw.org facade is securing his future.. don't get me wrong, i'm not insane, but more and more i got this strong gut feeling that some governmental organization has the real power.. gorby.
all those men are older, few if any, have children, so when one passes away,
who slips into the position of heir ?
yes, just what are they doing with all the money, when they know they cant take it with them?
who benefits after they go?
even a giant real estate company has a beneficiary. who is benefiting?
really, what a life, invest, have unlimited funds, and live life in a hotel with no family or friends?
are they actually world travelers , do they have private jets? are they living in luxury hotels touring the planet, claiming to be shepherding? lol
who pray tell, does that sound like?
Watchtowers policy of shunning our own close relatives
by Truthexplorer inhaving looked over the february' 2016 wt study article ' learn from jehovah's loyal servants' and meditating on the 'advice' from the fds aka gb regarding the shunning of our own close relatives if they have been disfellowshipped.
the example in par 7 highlighting how a woman called anne shuns her own mother for 'as she says' cutting herself off from jehovah.
i can't help but wonder how audacious and wreckless watchtower is in writing this stuff.
what is interesting, is how obvious and hypocritical they are in their own articles.
a few copy and pasted sentences...
Be Compelled by God’s “Indescribable Free Gift”
WE ARE OBLIGATED TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER...those who were viewed by the Jewish religious leaders as “accursed people
[gee, are not those who disagree with the GB viewed as accursed people,lol]
heading...[um, whose the wicked slave? lol, someone who says they are a slave...]
Yes, may their love compel us to follow the steps of Jesus closely, to reach out and express our love for our brothers, and to forgive our brothers from the heart.
well, then they have an article saying that a woman should reject her mother....
emotional kool aid.
they have poisoned their minds with evil propaganda disused as good
. hmm doesn't the bible tell us that Satan presents himself as an angel of light?
and that in the 'last days' lol,
there will be no natural affection? well???
Then, parents of fellowship children, being in great emotional pain, will ignore their consciences, out of fear and anguish, and harden their hearts.
they ruin a working conscience.
that is indeed brainwashing to the fullest degree, when you take a normal human emotion, and pervert it.
Anthony Morris Says The Governing Body Is Not Dogmatic, But Simply Must Be Obeyed If You Want Jehovah's Blessing
by Brokeback Watchtower inwarning lots of compartmentalization going on, with huge leaps in logic and a whole lot of just beleive me because i say so.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhyfm-zikbq.
if you need to fall asleep, fast, just put on the old roku, and put on this man.... zzzzzzzzzzz -
The really cool feeling of community within JWs
by Phaedra ini remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
tsk tsk,
are you being patronizing to the Queen of Clean DJS? lol
off with his head!
Adult Homework and Extra Credit
by lovesjehovah init seems that once we became sensible adult humans, we lost our way.
we stopped asking questions.
we submitted to the bidding of the world.
along with all those good ideas,
If we cant eliminate money, lol,
Id like to see a 6 hour workday. same pay as 8.
think about it. how great it would be if people knew they only had to work 6 hours, you would go to work, with a better attitude, probably put in your all, knowing you get to go home in 6 hours. production I believe would be better. Right now, most people go to work dreading it, and try to do as little as possible.
they feel unappreciated, under paid and used. well, turn it around. 6 hours of good work for 8 hours of pay.
no more tired people, no more long lunch breaks just two shorter quick potty and drink breaks, lol,
more people would be employed as well. no more being too tired for your family, no more high unemployment. no more 'mandatory overtime' bull.
way less human error due to being tired. we can use less medical mistakes.
even kids would learn better, and can have more time at home, lessening the burden on the teachers and giving parents more valuable time with their kids.
and cheap available public transportation.
i cant believe how many people I know who cant afford a car because they dont have one to get to work to make money to have a car! I live in rural, there is no public transportation. no car, no job, no nothing. thats wrong. you live in the country, your screwed if you have no wheels. well, who buys the high school grad a car to get a job if your poor and live in the country? a lot of depressed lonely kids, and stressed parents who struggle taking their kids to work while trying to work themselves.
plus, eliminate waste.
people need people, not things, materialism in the US, is appalling. the waste is shocking.
the mentality is messed up, pay for bottled water when you have municipal water, pay for wrapping paper, to throw out... dumb.
I cant believe how little value people have for the things they work and pay money for.
and how cheap and trashy things are being made now. Its sickening.