so you might be warned people, if morbid curiosity gets you to go to a meeting,
make sure you wear a depends,lol
after severe pressure from my family, i have decided to attend to the nearest kh.
and a little history regarding my self: i became inactive and lost completely contact of the wt changes and "new light" 17 years ago.. everything seemed so odd and strange during the meeting.
latest technology, animated movies, watchtower web tv, a website that you can download everything, including km and wt study articles.
so you might be warned people, if morbid curiosity gets you to go to a meeting,
make sure you wear a depends,lol
i wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
omg, your post has made my day, I can just imagine that whole thing happening.
last night, i left my moms and she was attempting to explain that 'new meeting'
but we got into it and i had to leave. [gee, i wonder if my mom will mention it again]
but seriously, i have heard in the past persons expressing concerns just like that, but there is always one dedicated 'confomant' around who drags everyone back in line and changes the subject.
omg, these women saying that's stuff, and trying to set you up, oh man, wow, wish I was there, and how did you not have the biggest grin on your face, Id have been rolling on the floor.
and ok yea, when did you wake up,lol good one freddo
it's up to some 800 zillion dollars now and hasn't suckered me in yet.
i've been out of watchtower for some 38 years now and i suppose the lottery is one of their nonoze.
i have nothing morally wrong against it or anyone who enjoys doing it.
i got one. one. and not even with the power play.
Id be happy with 1000 bucks right
with the rise of the new literature cart method of preaching, i'm curious as to how the traditional jw preaching work is organized.
the other reason i ask this is that i hardly see jw's door-knocking anymore.are they still going door-to-door and tracking how regularly their territory is covered?
are they still using territory maps and keeping track of do-not-calls, ethnic/deaf houses etc?i'm also curious as to how the literature cart ministry is organized.
I live in rural, we have a small town, they dont do carts here.
ive never seen one at any mall or any retail store either, I don't think they are allowed. the still are die hard door to door people who like to drive around country roads for two or four hours wasting gas and getting people pissed. and sometimes get stuck at the bottom of someones driveway in the snow, because they are too stupid to stay home and need to 'get in their time' each week. omg, you should hear these older people when they dont get out in service its like they were being judged right then and there. making all sorts of excuses why they 'cant' or haven't got out. its like a competition. ' I got in 15 hours this week'
while knowing they live off social security, have no money to buy so much as a blanket for their bed. but hey they got gas money!
Last night I was at my mothers house, shes 74.
she mentioned, [ as she like do do, so very close to the time she knows I have to leave]
that 'they' had a new service meeting, 'its not the kingdom ministry anymore' . she started to tell me what the purpose was of that 'new' booklet or paper or whatever it is, and I said to her, "wow, mom your how old and you still need to be taught how to go door to door? seriously, mom how long does it take to have someone explain to you how to ask someone if they wish to read a magazine?" its not like learning how to fly a jet. its just repeat repeat at the meetings.
and she says, "hey, the older you get the more you forget, we all need reminded"
well lol, round and around for a few minuets, gets around to this...
I said, "mom, you seriously did not just say that the watchtower has not changed teachings"
she says, "they never changed their central doctrines! they adjust their understanding and have new light"
lol wow, so I say, "seriously mom, there is no difference, and yes they have changed things, you have read it yourself right at your very own meetings in the past 5 years, and its totally factual want me to show you?"
she says " no they haven't and you want to believe all that propaganda off tv and watch all those documentaries, and read stuff online that's your choice, and sadly you are so misled."
Well, shes a riot, i never ever led her to believe that, I always tell her the same thing"mom, I dont need to read anything, the bible doesn't say that, look it up, i dont see that in the bible" she then says
"oh you never liked service and meetings anyway, your just looking for an excuse to stop going"
oh I love that one. she knows just how to spread the guilt virus and push buttons in that house that's for sure. everyone is a child still in her house.
so she always repeats the same half scripture, 'do not forsake gathering yourselves together" like that fixes everything,lol
I said 'mom, so its ok for you to use one scriture to create a whole teaching, and claim its a command.
Jesus never commanded that."
And she says " yes he did"
and as it goes, she mumbles and leaves the room.
I get ready to go home, she hugs me goodbye and gives me my dozen of farm eggs, and says "so are you going to be up sunday?"
lol. and off I go.
she has not once ever had a scripture ready for me, lol,
I so need a life.
was it 1931 when they adopted jehovah's witnesses?
(at the time with lower case w) isn't it about time now they changed name again?
i mean everything else is changing why not the name!
According to their logic, They have taken the 'lords name in vain'
The WT, have claimed the right to use gods 'name' and used it for personal profit,
either for the means of money, and to gain admiration for themselves.[ That is completely undeniable.]
They also have not 'learned' supposed bible 'truth', since they keep changing things.
so if anything, by submitting themselves humbly , [dont hold your breath]
they should wish be called [Worldwide] Christian bible students .
That is the most accurate in my opinion.
although they sure have been called a few other things ......
a few years after i quit the meetings my mum needed her medical directive signed and witnessed and she asked if i'd do it.
i was surprised to say the least!.
i think she was just angling to include me and maybe find some lever to get me involved again.
The question has the word YOU capitalized.
If I was put in the position of making the choice, and the person was unable, then according to MY conscience, I would do anything to save their life. If the person had a do not resuscitate card and they were advanced in age, or had some chronic illness, then I would respect that. It would be difficult, but I know how the quality of life is for older or very sick persons who are bedridden or on feeding tubes. It totally sucks, and mentally tortures them.
I would assume, that any JW, who for some reason was given blood, against their wishes, when they had no way to speak for themselves, would under no circumstances be blamed for 'going against the teachings'
they should face no criticism from anyone. no one need know actually.
In my exp as well, unbaptized JW's who for some reason are given blood [with the go ahead of a non JW family member] , are viewed as 'spiritually immature' 'not yet dedicated' and therefore not judged.
at least thats the last viewpoint that was shared with me on the matter.
this is what is happening in a spanish congregation in our area.
this happened 3 weeks ago.
this brother conducted the school and after the school was over, another elder gave the announcement: "( name of the person) is not longer a jehovah's witness".
How about when your unbaptized 14 yr old daughter gets into trouble and your husband is 'only' an M.S. who only does the literature counter ,mic's and occasionally reads at book study? and yet he gets the boot?
that's called 'we dont like you, and now you gave us a reason to get rid of you' .lol
does anybody remember a rumour or maybe it was a truth?
?...something about hidden pictures or symbols in the artwork of the watchtower.
was it one of those urban legends?
what do we see in these clouds?, lol how about a sword, a bird [or an angelfish] and an anchor. [and a spot on my lens]
does anybody remember a rumour or maybe it was a truth?
?...something about hidden pictures or symbols in the artwork of the watchtower.
was it one of those urban legends?
Ive seen many. older books have a lot, google it, theres websites that have the pics.
when i was younger, I noticed some things in the photos I thought were pretty odd. No artist worth his salt can draw so badly that a hand looks like a lobster claw when the other hands look ok, lol. [revelation book]
sometimes i think the artist did it for fun, to mess with people, lol, not really to be following any cult other than the one they were drawing for.
putting faces in skirts, and clouds, and skeletons in trees.. ah, fun fun. lol
the majority of members who tend to join this forum have been hurt possibly even traumatized sometimes to the point of wanting to end their lives.
upon joining the forum, new members are welcomed with open arms, welcome messages start pouring in, "likes" are freely given, a false sense of security is promoted where a member is free to speak his mind without having to worry about the wt gestapo.
again, similar to how potential converts are welcomed and "love bombed" upon entering a kh for the first time.
lol, perhaps old habits resurface,
I mean, Ive been honored by DJS, a few times,
'I am anointing you the Queen of Reactionary and the Goddess of Hysteria. You are the vice mayor of the twin villages Certitude and Platitude.
and labled...
'So you are also an End of Time nutjob, huh?'
but then in the end, so proud ,lol
You did research!! I am sooo proud of you.'
and nathan natas and cappytan have joined him on occasion,,lol
I have my own fan club apparently,lol.
Now once again,
Again, the queen of clean, goes off to battle against the 'bacteria' that inhabit our world....