the very idea of young people being treated this way by their parents and family members is appalling. a loving god would never approve of that behavior. there are scriptures that support being loving to people even your enemies. we have to save the children, before its too late. somehow these kids need to know there is someone there for them to talk to.
WT. takes one line of a scripture and twists it, and use it to make people want to leave, It illogical to me.
they knew how the pharisees in Jesus day expected too much of the people, and yet THEY do it!
this shows the mental disconnect that the org has taught so many people.
yes, there will be no natural affection alright. there cant be natural affection from people in cults.
I have experienced as an adult, and as a youth, being avoided simply for not being regular at meetings.
Im sure my mom would tell anyone who asked where i was, that i was being 'rebellious' and lazy.
she likes to pull the lazy card on everyone. your 'lazy' if you dont go door to door or to meetings, lol
wow. kids are labeled as 'not a spiritual person' if they aren't 100 percent at meetings in door to door or having their hands up all the time or giving talks. they are judged before they even know whats going on. peoples bible studies are also under suspicion, and avoided and not invited anyplace, because you know they are 'worldly' you cant win. your never good enough.