here is what i come up with a while back when i asked the question why Jews rejected Jesus
very interesting.
here is what i come up with a while back when i asked the question why Jews rejected Jesus
very interesting.
im on a mac-book, and when im at the site, often my mac runs real slow, im typing and the letters are not there, and pop up a few seconds later.
weird stuff.
it sometimes freezes up on me.
well doing a little more work, I have come up with this message in my disc utility
' invalid directory count, 33 instead of 32'
HD was found corrupt and needs repaired. Error: this disc need's repaired....then use disc utility to repair
well, i guess im off to the apple store. Im not messing with it.
in my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
one elder years ago told me his take on that, he strongly reasoned that god is not wasteful, and for no reason will anything on earth be immediately destroyed, as in those war like photos they print up.
as eveyone will still need a system of money, and still need housing and transprotation and such. only humans will die....
he claimed it will take 1000 years to bring the earth back to its clean condition, by eliminating the 'bad' that mankind has done to it.
Now lets reason on that...
everyone dies whos not a jw at armageddon.......
[good gravy, watching the show on the discovery channel, called soemthing like, earth without man, shows how fast the planet would change without man to maintain things.]
when not a jw was told that they should go to college? oh wait, trade schools, theyll save the
To destroy everything immediately mean sure death for most of the few jws on the planet. lol
and anyway , were supposed to get a new earth, lol and a new heavens, hmm, why a new heaven? whats wrong with it??
some areas of our home are very nice, tidy, clean.
and other rooms are just junk and clutter and clothes and papers.... omg.
and now that we are getting older, we realize that we face a time of transition -- and this is hard to cope with too, as we believed the lie that we would never get old, etc.
Ive read someplace that how we keep our homes reflects our lifestyle or mindset,
so if your home is cluttered so is your mind or daily life. hmm.
so if your disorganized, you might be a scatter brain? lol
ok , so thats my mom, lol she can never find anything.
any others going to super bowl party in a few hours?who's your pick to win the big game?looks like they bringing more celebrities in for half-time show.i'm going to be pulling for the carolina panthers for two reasons: !
) i'm currently living in n.c. 2)would be nice to have a new team win it this year that's never won.i'm happy that at least the new england patriots aren't in this year's super bowl.
they are a great talented team but have just had my fill of them being in so many over the years.anyhow i just hope this year is a great game and that the half-time show doesn't suck.go panthers!!!!!!!!
well, there must be an awful lot of pizza and fried chicken eating going on .lol
there was nary a pizza or box of chicken to be had in the grocery store ,
I forgot for a moment why ....
february 8-14 asstower is titled " a living translation of god's word.
note paragraph 4:.
“4 despite the clear evidence that the personal name of god belongs in the bible, many translations completely omit the sacred name of god.
jehovah's witness door to door pamphlets are actually alright.
and their religion isn't that bad either.
wow, the reader of the pamphlets gleaned that info from reading them ? huh, wow. whoda thunk it,lol
I guess someone in the writing department, needs to improve how they explain things.
dear friends:.
i imagine by now we old timers have adjusted to the fact that we are getting older and, one day, will make our exit.
are your "senior moments" ever a cause for worry to you?
no senior here yet, only 53, but Im always looking for my readers,
I have 4 pair.
I live in a minimally furnished and quite organized three room
I used to tease my mom for having so many pair.
in my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
im on a mac-book, and when im at the site, often my mac runs real slow, im typing and the letters are not there, and pop up a few seconds later.
weird stuff.
it sometimes freezes up on me.