JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
What Are the Top JW Issues That Just Burn Your Buns the Most?
by Wild_Thing inwhich ones make you the maddest?
covering up of abuse, shunning, failed end of world predictions?.
my list is long and heavy, but the top 3 that set me off the most are:.
double talk, hypocrisy. in denial. -
Excellent Conversation At Literature Trolley
by cofty inyesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
excellent discussion,
but feel bad for bursting their bubble. they must go home so deflated and anxious.
your the the un -witness lol ' saving people from the WT mind prison , one at at a time! '
you need a cape and a side kick, lol
Whats the one thing
by MrTheocratic injw's are constantly trying to prove they have the truth.
they always point to matthew 24:14 and say "who is accomplishing this work today?
this proves we have the truth and gods backing".. for those of us in this community looking from the other side what is one thing that proves to you that this organization does not have gods backing?
my moms way of defending it is to say that jehov is and organized god and needs an organization ,lol
shes so stuck on that word organized. as if every other religion isnt organized. yet she cant back it up with any scriptures, shes 73 yrs old,and cant look up a scripture......?
then yes, 'they're the only ones doing the preaching work'
um no mom, other religions do it in another way but more successfully apparently...
im out finally after decades of being treated like a bother, because i see idol worship in the first degree, im more forgiving than the god of the bible, and my family was basically pushed out.
organizational idol worship.... they are guilty of.
"It's the demons..."
by pale.emperor inone thing that really frustrates me inside is how quite a few jw's (especially my family) actually believe that demons like to inhabit second hand vases, or clothes etc.
my sister and mother are so bad with this that they wont even talk about it - because even talking about it "brings demons into your home".
so any attempt to show them that it's unscriptural is shut off with, sometimes them literally going "lalalalalalala im not listening".. i used to believe it myself (why wouldn't i?, i was told by my mother and father it was fact).. what i'd like to point out to anyone that would let me debunk it is this:.
I think thats a belief specific to individuals, and how they see it. My mom, will not knowingly accept items from someone if shes aware that they are into the occult, or demonic sort of stuff. for example, if perhaps one of my relatives was a admitted witch, and wanted to give her some clothing, she wont take it, lol.
because she doesn't want to bring demons 'in' her home, lol
Yet shes fine with shopping for used stuff, and buying off the web, we did it most of our lives, she rarely buys anything new, she cant afford to.
but my mom blames satan for everything bad, and gives god credit for everything good, yet she says satan 'blesses his own' to explain people who have wealth good jobs and nice homes, lol [ cant be because they are a success in themselves,lol] yea so springs pop out of my head a lot when I talk to her, lol
UFO's might be real.and what does it mean if they are?
by atomant infor some reason this subject has not received much attention over the years which surprises me.theres many conspiracy theories floating around on the internet and lve done my fair share of due diligence on the matter.the school is still out on this one.l find it very hard to believe humans are the only intelligent beings out there.has anyone on this forum ever seen a ufo or experienced a close encounter?
if were here, there are others....
if the universe is moving away from itself, as when a bomb explodes, then if we were visited by someone, it was probably accidental, and chances are we will never see them again. we don't know if there are beings who were on planets before earth formed, and those may be millions of years ahead of us in technology. if there are any exploration equipment like ours, or manned ships, they might be truly lost in space. lol
I find it quite fascinating that mankind has seen what it has so far.
ancient aliens was such a fun show to watch, gives us lots to think about,lol
Generation Nonsense in today's WT
by Slidin Fast inabraham was part of the 9th generation as a descendent of shem.
yet, their lives overlapped by 150 years.
yep, they were of the same generation!
i googled how long is a generation just out of curiosity, because i can recall that it was once accepted that a generation was 20 years so here we have this short article...... [and im just as confused,lol] but, Jesus wasn't giving a future prophesy,he was speaking about then, THIS generation. current. the one he himself was part of or was immediately following his. but im going to say the current one he was part of .
but really, what is the purpose of a bunch of stupid articles about generations and the different 'classes' of chosen ones, and times and end of the world ect ect got to do with being a good christian and helping your fellow man.
they are desperate for something to write about. lol
by thinker11 inas much as i want to believe in the bible and wish for a god that is watching over us and love us; i find it difficult to comprehend that a loving god will erase mankind with fireballs, earthquakes, and kill childrens, mothers, and fathers who refused to believe in the bible.
and i can’t help but to take their side in all these.
i mean: what has god really done to show that he is love and that he exists and is watching how we act.
exactly. I once told my mom, I must be better than God, because id never do the things he did.
one, i could not test my first born children with trees, for no real reason, then tell them they will die if they dont 'listen'.
two, let satan get away with all this.
three, let thier offspring suffer due to thier mistake.
four, sit by and watch evil people torture each other.
five, make imperfect people feel miserable for not being able to follow impossible requirements.
i for one would not want to worship a god like that.
If god is love, then he is quite pissed at man for misrepresenting him,lol
Im just glad i know that the whole story, the way most people interpret it, isnt true.
at least I know I was right all along about something.
After 50 years Zealous Service, My Elder Friends goes Inactive
by James Jack ini asked him what happened.
he said "him and his wife lived a full theocratic life for jehovah.
doing everything the organization and the traveling brothers told them to do, like work part time, regular pioneer, serve where the need is great.
it always upset me that the WT expects 'satans' system to support elderly ones because they kept people from at least trying to being self sufficient and have some sort of retirement plan, and purchasing a home to live in.
first some would suggest, to avoid shopping at thrift stores that might be owned and run by any religious organization, or to hold down a job that is working for the government, or with a gun, or for a religious organization [ for ex. painting a church]
then some say, dont collect welfare benefits if you dont have to, then they make it impossible not to collect them, because your working part time, so you can pioneer, lol
Ive known people who didnt work full time, [ and sometimes not at all,] pioneered and then complained how broke they were.
and many still live at home and burden thier parents as well.
then they expecting people to turn down employment that has roating shifts, or night shifts, where one might would miss a meeting or two. so, Ive known people to turn down work, and run out of unemployment so they dont miss one or two meetings a month.
then people like my mom say,
'well god will reward people for thier sacrifice.' oh yea? prove it.
so many elderly jw's, live in [quite decent] public housing provided by the very government they condemn.
the scriptures clearly say, to make every effort to support yourselves, and your family. [1 tim 5 :8 is just one]
I have never seen scriptures to support the idea that the gov body and bethelites should work for free and live in new york and not have a job with pay. elders in the cong work a job, some i knew own thier own buisnesses. [ and hopefully can have some sort of better outcome.]
I wonder, does the 7 Gov, body members have an IRA? lol. ah, wait, they dont need it. they live in free resort housing provided by unemployed slaves.
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
violas, I never thought about the hospital records, wouldnt the doctors still need to see a wallet card?
they have to still ask someone for permission right? , even if they have it in the records? is there a date of expiration? no one has mentioned a reply to my question on that,
IS there a requirement for renewing the date on the card and other info? my hospital info is over 5 years old. Id think they would expect some sort of update.
how easy or difficult was it for you to have them delte that info?
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
do the copies of medical forms left with the elders to keep on file expire? i left copies of my filled out form with the elders years ago, but have not been to that cong or have a card in my wallet. im assuming they expire. Im also assuming that they would have no idea that they have them, nor care to visit me if i were ever in the hosp. years ago when i went in for a surgery, no one knew. the one person who did, never asked me about the blood issue. but at that time i did have a card and asked my surgeon to not give me any blood. [so, based on that exp, no one will know nor]