It was shocking.
All these years later, i found myself crying for the dead for the first time.
it was shocking.. all these years later, i found myself crying for the dead for the first time..
It was shocking.
All these years later, i found myself crying for the dead for the first time.
ishii saya ,born-in exjw, drew dub’s life as a manga and published it.that manga is drawing attention to the eyes of general public in japan..
translatedit was when i was around ten years old that i noticed the other kids did not receive the jw style physical abuse like i did.some people use belts, power cords.
my mother had two types of belts and let me choose between “narrow belt” and “wide belt”.
The more I read of experiences and hear first hand the abuse that exists in this cult, the more I hope something can be done.
There's no reason for any of this.
Why can't we just live life and be happy?
The Japanese content above was very real.
What a sad story.
when c.t.russell first printed his magazine it was called "zions watchtower and herald of christs presence" was it not ?.
so obviously he was concerned about witnessing about jesus and announcing his kingdom to all who would listen and read his was jesus and his kingdom that he was witnessing about ,and of course those who followed him ,would have done and did the same.. their are over 20 scriptures in the christian greek scriptures telling christians to witness for and about jesus.
and that was in harmony with what the new testament ( the christian greek scriptures ) is all about ,witnessing to,for,and about jesus christ.. their is not one scripture in the new testament ,the christian greek scriptures that says or even indicates that christians .
the phrase, 'Jehovah God', always made me cringe.
Should have noticed it then and turned away. After hearing so many people use the same complaint against us to our face:
"Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian", was actually the truth all along...
no collusion from Trump.
Get over it...
Now Hillary and Russia, stand by.
so i wont get into why i asked my jw wife to leave... theres another thread for that lol... but more out of pure curiosity i asked her just now... "in order to save this marriage would you leave the jws?
", it was a snap call no, like not even a second to pause and think about it, which kinda took me back a bit, followed by a angry "why would you ask me that now?
" (shes going out witnessing with my kids and her friends).
My 21 year marriage ended because she chose JWs over our marriage after I became an apostate.
We both agreed the only way for us to save the marriage was for her to quit or for me to return.
Neither of those are going to happen...
i just wonder about the 3000 buildings that are gonna be sold out.
seems like a lot.
but how much is it in percentage of the buildings they own that are gonna be sold?.
...but I thought they were going to build 500 new KHs.
at least in hindsight it would appear so.
i remember as a small kid not making friends because ultimately they were going to die.
i never saved anything because money would be useless in the new world.
It was a false sense of security.
Disappointing is the understatement of the overlapping century...
after all those prayers and letters that didn't do squat.
and it was trump that helped the russian brothers.
then what would the jdub's say?
I'd rather see Putin tell Trump what the ORG really is and move him to investigate the dubs in the USA.
i understand these verses were removed in the nwt as well as some other bibles because they were added later & considered uninspired.
jesus protected an adultress so why remove it?
it fits in nicely with his teachings, does it not?
Verse 7 makes judging and shunning impossible.
< check mate >
Not the true religion
so i'm downtown and i see two jws hanging out on a bench by a cart.
i approached them and said, i saw you guys on the news, there was a child abuse cover-up in philadelphia.
they don't respond and just look at me.
I say do whatever you want.
If i feel like yelling at a dub, I will...