To: The Searcher.
How on earth can you argue that 'Christians were never instructed to take on a life of poverty, only to get their priorities in life right', when, as stated, Luke 14:33 says:
"Therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions".
You claim 'The Greek word - and very likely Jesus' usage of it - seems to refer to a person's attachment/love of possessions'.
Check your facts. Jesus would have spoken ARAMAIC not Koine Greek! Furthermore, you, in just this one sentence, say 'very likely' and 'seems'. You appear to be wonderfully vague.
And finally, while claiming Jesus (speaking Greek according to you!) would not have asked his followers to take on a life of poverty (in fact Luke 14:33 does not say that, but rather, they should abandon their possessions, e.g., homes), you actually admit the Greek word used means to forsake or separate from, which means to abandon!