Wow this sounds like it's pretty common in the Borg. My mother was still hitting me in my early twenties. By then she had moved on to fists, slaps and big time physiological abuse. When I got a jw boy friend and started courting him I had to tell her that if I married him I'd be moving out. She thought he would move in to her house and that she would control us both(!) Her response was to go crazy hitting and slapping me! I told my boy friend via text and he was mad about it for a while but then he spoke to his parents who told him not to get involved. So he called me up and told me just that!!
Yep my boy friend wasn't going to support me or defend me against my mother! That was the beginning of the end for that relationship, I dumped him soon after.
My mother has now stopped her physical abuse of me but only after I resorted to blackmailing her with the loss of her career if she ever touched me again. It's incredible the lenghts i had to go to to stop it. But throughout my life growing up in the Borg most of the Cong knew exactly what my mother was doing to me but no one ever said or did a thing about it. Not even a sheparding call about screaming and abusive speech etc nothing. I remember once my mother telling the elderettes a "funny" story...
That she had had a plate fall on her foot in the kitchen and it hurt so much that she turned to me and started punching me! Hahahahaha! How funny said my mother, and proceeded to clarify "you know what it's like when you get a sudden pain you just have to hit someone you know?" The elderette just looked at her but said nothing! Nothing!
Later in life when I went to the elders myself about her abuse they would just say "all we can do is encourage you" like throwing the word encourage around was going to help. I felt like saying to them "encourage is a word that implys action!"
Oh the happy spiritual paradise that is the Borg!