I have been thinking for years that at some point they will claim that the paradise will be spiritual rather than literall. I wonder if this is them phasing that in?
JoinedPosts by purrpurr
Spiritual paradise is a heart condition and not connected to and ORG, that's what they said?
by Crazyguy inaccording to a post over at reddit this was said at the annual meeting.
did anyone else hear this?
this is huge and very telling if they did actually say this.
Two coins of little value? Ok! Sure (!)
by purrpurr inlast thursday meeting was the verbal begging bowl item.
in which having told the audience that wt doesn't ask for money... proceeded to then ask for money.. among the usual scriptures cited "honor god with your valuable things" etc was also the widows mite story "she dropped in two coins of little value..".
and it occurred to me, two coins of little value in the uk would be two one penny coins!
Last Thursday meeting was the verbal begging bowl item. In which having told the audience that WT doesn't ask for money... proceeded to then ask for money.
Among the usual scriptures cited "honor God with your valuable things" etc was also the widows mite story "she dropped in two coins of little value.."
And it occurred to me, two coins of little value in the UK would be two one penny coins! I wonder if the congregation could get away with dropping 2p into the box every month? In a cong of 100 people that would add up to barely £2! Maybe next time they do their begging for money I should suggest that?
What do you think?
Todays WT, study with worldy kids if you can
by purrpurr inaccording to today's wt, jws are now encouraged to start bible studys with worldy kids even if their parents dont want to join in.
the wt suggests that the study should take place with the parent present or with another mature jw present.. the wt suggests that studying with the kid may make the parent eventually want a study too.. ...
in what situation would any worldly parent allow some stranger from a werid cult to come jnto their house and convert their children?
According to today's wt, jws are now encouraged to start bible studys with worldy kids even if their parents dont want to join in. The wt suggests that the study should take place with the parent present or with another mature jw present.
The wt suggests that studying with the kid may make the parent eventually want a study too.
... seriously?!! In what situation would any worldly parent allow some stranger from a werid cult to come jnto their house and convert their children? And what child would want that either? Have you ever heard of this happening?
And that's before you consider the jw child abuse angle, it seems inspite of their dark reputation in this matter the WT is actually encouraging jws to target individual children and to study with them on their own! Thereby creating a prime opportunity for any peadofile to abuse the child!
Jw mummies boys
by purrpurr ini've had the misfortune to encounter quite a few mummies boys in the cult.
men aged 20-40 who although in men's bodies think,act and behave like children.
their mother's had them tied to the apron strings tightly.
I've had the misfortune to encounter quite a few mummies boys in the cult. Men aged 20-40 who although in men's bodies think,act and behave like children. Their mother's had them tied to the apron strings tightly. Several of them were unable/unwilling to even have their own opinions! Certainly not allowed to make their own decisions. I even dated one for a while and every thought, feeling and decision was run past mummy and whatever mummy said was law. Nothing could budge this, no reasoning or evidence could change his mind once his mum had made it for him. One jw guy i met even spoke in a cutesy childlike manner and actually moved like a child!
Have you met jw mummies boys? Is it a common phenomenon in the cult? What do you think causes this?
Sunday's W.T angered me + I found an ironic scripture
by Isambard Crater induring the "do you love me more than these" watchtower study on sunday, i got so angry on many occasions, hearing people make comments like "if you enjoy your job, you're an enemy of jehovah" and "the only reason we're here is to preach.
work and relaxation only exist to help us to preach".. the paragraph talking about the "do more!
" attitude in the world getting people down really got me down just reading it, as it applies so much to the borg.. i also found the ecclesiastes scripture quoted to be ironic, as the rest of the article tells is that nothing is better or more of a priority than to preach;.
Spiral, and yet in the convention drama remember the wife of lot the wife is portrayed as stupidly worrying abouthow they will survive without pension or savings when they retire? And also the same concern for her daughter's, this is no coincidence I'm sure many jws have the same concerns and the most recent drama condemns them for it
Lessons learned from the wife of lot drama
by purrpurr inthe video drama shown at the recent comvention was called "the wife of lot".
i noticed some stuble lessons being taught in this soap opera style video.... firstly, all the bad influence comes from women, its the wife and the mother in law whose pushing for more money and a better lifestyle.
while the men remain loyal to god, can't show the men going astray now can we?.
The video drama shown at the recent comvention was called "the wife of lot". I noticed some stuble lessons being taught in this soap opera style video...
Firstly, all the bad influence comes from women, its the wife and the mother in law whose pushing for more money and a better lifestyle. While the men remain loyal to God, can't show the men going astray now can we?
The lifestyle shown is unrealistic too. Even though the asian family all pioneer they live in a beautiful apartment, wear nice clothes and have the time to spend every meal at the dinner tabke with several dishes set out. The women are always shown cooking never the men and what is it with this "shoes off when you come into this house"? Doesnt everyone take their shoes off when they walk into a house? Why are they making such a point about this? Like its some special jw thing that only jws do?
Then of course there's the stuble point that when the wife goes bad she starts wearing trouser suits! Shock horror! And when the daughter goes bad she starts wear a leather jacket!! The wife is also shown having no time to talk to the elders at the assembly, Bad wife! How disrespectful!
Then there's the not so stuble point that whatever the problem the answer is always jw based: are you in debt? Become a jw! Got a bad temper issue? Become a jw! Don't like your nice big apartment? Learn another language to convert more people for God! Don't have a pension or savings? Pioneer more! Your kids don't have any employment skills above menial? Pioneer hitch!
At every point it's the bad women pushing for more money to get nicer clothes saying no hand me downs. Its the bad women being unfriendly to elders and not being submissive to their husbands authority. Bad women! Women are bad! Watch out for those women! They will lead you astray if you're not careful!
Lastly I thought the soap opera format was rather hypocritical given how down the WT has always been on soap opera's?!
What stuble points did you pick up on?
Weekly Scripture Twist - aka the Watchtower Study
by doubtfull1799 in“more than material assistance, refugees need spiritual and emotional support.
4:4) elders can help by obtaining literature in the language of the refugees and by helping them contact brothers who speak their language.
And of course one point this WT has mised is that most of these people are going to be Muslim. So they also want to take away their belief system too? Which will of course result in the poor people being ostracized from their own family and freinds
Weekly Scripture Twist - aka the Watchtower Study
by doubtfull1799 in“more than material assistance, refugees need spiritual and emotional support.
4:4) elders can help by obtaining literature in the language of the refugees and by helping them contact brothers who speak their language.
Someone with press contacts needs to expose paragraph 14 of this WT!
the idea that refugees need to be careful of the "temptation " of material things! What! How dare they! So refugees who have lost everything should not try to replace these things? Instead they should be peddling bibles?
And that plastic bag story was disgusting! "See all we need is this"
Please someone expose this!
The handmaid's tale, possible in a jw controlled world?
by purrpurr ini've been watching "the handmaid's tale" and while disturbing i found it to be doubly so because i kept thinking "if the jws ever got control of a country is this what it would look like?
" especially when it comes to the treatment of women as mere property.
I've been watching "the handmaid's tale" and while disturbing I found it to be doubly so because I kept thinking "if the jws ever got control of a country is this what it would look like?" Especially when it comes to the treatment of women as mere property.
What do you think?
How many in your generation are still JW???
by Christian Gutierrez inhow many in your age group are still jehovahs witnesses?
from where we are at, there aren't many left.
each year it gets smaller and smaller haha .
Of the 21 young people in my congregation when I was growing up all but 5 have left the jws, 2 of those 5 are trapped in miserable marriages and 1 is a homo who is in denial