Yes good catch, send it to the authorities along with some proof like a scan of a cobe letter
Save us all from the gb witch hunt
i know that there's been a lot posted about this already but i wanted to ask if anyone knew if the wts was in breach of the information commissioner's office (uk) directive or am i misunderstanding something.
the ioc give a list of requirements with regards to charities and in part it says .
that consent is not a precondition for the service provided.
Yes good catch, send it to the authorities along with some proof like a scan of a cobe letter
Save us all from the gb witch hunt
what is russell's motive when he started examining the bible with a group of bible students?
did he intend to form a cult and to mislead others?
Where are you guys getting this insider info from? I'm not disagreeing with it btw, just I'd like to read more about it that isn't jw revisionist history
me and my brother recently got into a discussion about the 1,000 reign.
i told him that even after armageddon, you know that you still have to work for your salvation??
he says yes, that he is prepared to work for jehovah (wth), and that it will be a wonderful time.
Something I always used to wonder is that it says that after the 1000 years the devil will be let out for a short time... and it used to occur to me that this time in history is meant to be a brief time "knowing he has a brief time"
So considering that this 2k years is considered a brief time just how long would the short time after the 1000 years actually be?
ok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
As I understand it, you can record whatever you want, its only if you plan to use that in a court of law that you need to get permission first. Even then the judge's these days will sometimes allow it if it's vital evidence
Think about all the cctv etc that records you... they don't ask your permission do they?
i have a super uber jdub relative who lives several states away.
he is always trying to encourage me since he knows that i stopped going to the kingdom haul.
anyhow, he sends me a copy of the program for the summer regional convention and pointed out the sunday morning talks.
Give him a sentence or two on what each major talk is about, that way he can't ignore it. It will really freak him out when he gets to the assembly and realises far from it being apostate lies you were telling the truth!
what do you think the crazies or strangest book they ever printed is?.
Oh yes! My book of bible stories! That awful traumatic picture of Jesus on the stake, I hated that scary picture as a kid
what do you think the crazies or strangest book they ever printed is?.
Ah yes the infamous youth book, I remember studying that awful chapter about sex in the book study, it actually went into a step by step account of how sex happens in awful detail. Then the paragraph question was asked and no one I repeat no one put their hand up to answer at all!
Strangely enough I don't recall the step by step account mentioning anything about clitoral stimulation? Or about womens pleasure or orgasm? It was all from the point of view of men
i think many jw's have secret fears in common, but don't often voice them.
it's too bad because then they might wonder why?.
for instance, one day at work while i was talking to one of the witness ladies, (on her belief of some bible proof of the last days) she suddenly lowered her voice.
Yes when I was a kid I used to be so scared that when Armageddon came I'd be tortured and my Faith would give out and I'd end up sinning against god.
Sh@t! Kids shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that! Remember that article "oh Jehovah keep my young daughter faithful! " ? It was the experience of a young girl during ww2 who went through awful abuses but still kept faithful. I thought I'd have to endure worse than that!
if you haven't seen will forte's "the last man on earth" on amazon prime, do as its really funny.
the setting of the story is that 2 years prior a virus has killed all humans except one.... amongst the high jinks are the struggles he has with things like; getting water from the water system when the areas water supply is no longer being maintained, ditto sewerage, not having ready access to fresh foods that require industry like butter and cheese, not having access to medical help, being unable to communicate with anyone outside of shouting distance, having no electricity / electronic appliances.. it's got me thinking, all the wt's illustrations show the time when armageddon is over as being really joyful and there being plenty for everyone.
but in fact that would just not be the case, especially since most jw's have no survival skills or expert knowledge of any kind.. jws just don't think about this, how are all those couples who are waiting untill the new system to have kids, going to have kids in a survival setting?
If you haven't seen will forte's "the last man on earth" on Amazon prime, do as its really funny. The setting of the story is that 2 years prior a virus has killed all humans except one...
Amongst the high jinks are the struggles he has with things like; getting water from the water system when the areas water supply is no longer being maintained, ditto sewerage, not having ready access to fresh foods that require industry like butter and cheese, not having access to medical help, being unable to communicate with anyone outside of shouting distance, having no electricity / electronic appliances.
It's got me thinking, all the wt's illustrations show the time when Armageddon is over as being really joyful and there being plenty for everyone. But in fact that would just not be the case, especially since most jw's have no survival skills or expert knowledge of any kind.
Jws just don't think about this, how are all those couples who are waiting untill the new system to have kids, going to have kids in a survival setting? No drs no stand by if anything goes wrong etc.
And those jws who are waiting until the new system to get married... well there's a lack of decent mates available now, what about when half of them are dead cos their heart condition wasn't quite right? You might end up having to settle for brother pervy weirdo!
As always I make the disclaimer that I'm an atheist, but its fun to debate these beliefs, helps to deprogramme ourselves.
the many and complex issues surrounding the collection of person data and new laws aiming to protect individuals control of their own privacy, seem to have hatched about the same time as the governing body expressed their hope that it´s own 8 million would obey their order to "sign this form" effectively transfering total authority over privacy and data issues over to the borg.. what are your thoughts on this coincidence?.
zuckerberg lost billion$$ when people realized that he had prostituted their personal data and now wt wants the same signed access that he had to info that is $$$.... wt already owns all the real estate and now wants to own all the data.... it´s a current and global issue - please share your thought with the rest of us here.. .
Does their small print give them the rights to sell the data on? They could earn alot that way