Please do update us!
And I agree put them on camera and co front them with (apostate) truths, they will soon run for the hills!
And educate your fellow students about them too in case the jws try to target the uni in other ways
it's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Please do update us!
And I agree put them on camera and co front them with (apostate) truths, they will soon run for the hills!
And educate your fellow students about them too in case the jws try to target the uni in other ways
just looked at the convention program.
what weird artwork.
and the odd voices on the bible reading "gee-hoooe_vaah".
Yes I've noticed in the past couple of years the American pronunciation of Jehovah has gotten very odd indeed with a big emphasis on the "hooo" part
after listening to the leaked videos this is what i think it’s all about.
first i don’t believe they will want to much personal information ie bank accounts etc do to potential legal problems down the road.
what i think is their goal is once all publishers are in the data base they then have no need for written information about any issue concerning a publisher and how issues are handled by elders and the branch etc... this information now is in their own data base and can be deleted or manipulated by them at any time.
This would explain why, in the 5 congs I've attended in my life the official membership numbers were around 150-200 but mostly an average of 65 only showed up and on the memorial night's it was big news if we tipped the 100+ mark.
And yes I agree that this is almost certainly a way to flush out the faders, perhaps with the elders resorting to their old tactics of sitting outside the house in a dark car watching and stalking to get dirt on the fader?
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
That experiments had been done at London zoo where they fed straw to the lions and the lions behaviour became peaceful and calm as a result, so that was proof of what lions will be like in paradise and not want to eat meat.
Of course this is untrue, lions are built in every way to catch and eat meat.
Oh and my favourite. .. women deserve to be treated as second class citizens because eve ate the Apple first! Lol
And another said in an answer in the watchtower study, "the planet's and stars obit eachother perfectly, they never crash into eachother and this shows how perfectly God has made the universe! "
... that we people in the northern hemisphere would have tropical animals as pets!
That the continent's would be fitted back together in Pangaea, so that we didn't have to travel overseas in the new system
And also in the new system we wouldn't have seasons, so that there would still be plenty to eat and no freezing weather during winter!
How did I swallow this for all those years??
me and my brother recently got into a discussion about the 1,000 reign.
i told him that even after armageddon, you know that you still have to work for your salvation??
he says yes, that he is prepared to work for jehovah (wth), and that it will be a wonderful time.
And something that jws like to forget is that the WT teaches that people won't start to become perfect untill after the 1000 years... after! So people will still be disabled, ill, die and be imperfect and so yes very prone to making a mistake that would get them killed for ever.
All so a God can glorify himself (!)
i know that there's been a lot posted about this already but i wanted to ask if anyone knew if the wts was in breach of the information commissioner's office (uk) directive or am i misunderstanding something.
the ioc give a list of requirements with regards to charities and in part it says .
that consent is not a precondition for the service provided.
Yes good catch, send it to the authorities along with some proof like a scan of a cobe letter
Save us all from the gb witch hunt
what is russell's motive when he started examining the bible with a group of bible students?
did he intend to form a cult and to mislead others?
Where are you guys getting this insider info from? I'm not disagreeing with it btw, just I'd like to read more about it that isn't jw revisionist history
me and my brother recently got into a discussion about the 1,000 reign.
i told him that even after armageddon, you know that you still have to work for your salvation??
he says yes, that he is prepared to work for jehovah (wth), and that it will be a wonderful time.
Something I always used to wonder is that it says that after the 1000 years the devil will be let out for a short time... and it used to occur to me that this time in history is meant to be a brief time "knowing he has a brief time"
So considering that this 2k years is considered a brief time just how long would the short time after the 1000 years actually be?
ok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
As I understand it, you can record whatever you want, its only if you plan to use that in a court of law that you need to get permission first. Even then the judge's these days will sometimes allow it if it's vital evidence
Think about all the cctv etc that records you... they don't ask your permission do they?
i have a super uber jdub relative who lives several states away.
he is always trying to encourage me since he knows that i stopped going to the kingdom haul.
anyhow, he sends me a copy of the program for the summer regional convention and pointed out the sunday morning talks.
Give him a sentence or two on what each major talk is about, that way he can't ignore it. It will really freak him out when he gets to the assembly and realises far from it being apostate lies you were telling the truth!