That experiments had been done at London zoo where they fed straw to the lions and the lions behaviour became peaceful and calm as a result, so that was proof of what lions will be like in paradise and not want to eat meat.
Of course this is untrue, lions are built in every way to catch and eat meat.
Oh and my favourite. .. women deserve to be treated as second class citizens because eve ate the Apple first! Lol
And another said in an answer in the watchtower study, "the planet's and stars obit eachother perfectly, they never crash into eachother and this shows how perfectly God has made the universe! "
... that we people in the northern hemisphere would have tropical animals as pets!
That the continent's would be fitted back together in Pangaea, so that we didn't have to travel overseas in the new system
And also in the new system we wouldn't have seasons, so that there would still be plenty to eat and no freezing weather during winter!
How did I swallow this for all those years??