Here in the UK the medical staff should keep all matters confidential. Surely then the medical staff could be told to keep the HLC away from you and not to discuss any matters with them?
It's very tough to not give in to this, several years ago I had an operation which I was told there was no chance that I would be in need of blood at all. But still the HLC elders in my Cong were desperate to flex their power muscles. They wanted to march down to the hospital and get right involved with the drs, they would have been there watching and interfering every step of the way if I had let them. So I said that thanks but no thanks I wouldn't need them. You wouldn't believe the pressure I came under to give in. When they finally realised that they weren't getting anywhere with me they started ratting me out to my family and putting pressure on them to get me to change my mind. I wouldn't give in and the operation was a success with no blood needed. But the HLC elders after that always had a scowl ready for me and barely spoke to me afterwards. I had denied them their fun.
I think I will make an appointment with my Dr and discuss this matter with them. If there's enough evidence on file that the patient has effectively been blackmailed into signing this form then surely that should override it?